
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, October 31, 2005


Funny how, your going along and ones life can, enter bizzar world in an instant. I suppose when trying to deal with irrational people who suffer a personality disorder has its dash of spice. But this one takes the biscuit, though im sure they will top it some day soon.

This afternoon i had a phone call from our mutual friend. The lad is well, and so is her daughter. But she talking slightly too fast. So i ask "ok what the hell have they done now" and well it is very odd, she was trying to put a good spin on things, seeing the best option, must have been hard tho. Apparently there was a court meetign on Monday. Which she didnt atend as she was away with the kids and her solicitor said she wasnt needed. However its why the terrible two were here monday. They put it to the court that, captian Acrilic (the father) shoudl take the lad and coem on holiday to their house.................... Apart from hes dosnt have custody, what sort of world is it they live in that that is a reasonable thing to ask a court to do? He hates them with a passion, for a start. He couldnt stand their company with out proibably hitting one of them (which woudl be sooo sweet!) Its seems they are sideing with Him against mutual friend for no other reason of unbelivable hatred of her for being our friends good friend. They would rather have the lad in the custody of an alcohic waster then her..... belive it? i cant quite, maybe you have to have a deseased mind liek them.

On the plus side. they have apparently engaged a solicitor. It just happens to be the same one as Captain Acrylic. Can that not be a conflict of interest? Or and open bid on his side? Our mutual friends solicitor apparently fire off a letter to the solicitor pointing out the conflict and requesting they are in conflict with their duties as Executors of the will and should resign!... (i don't actualy want them to resign at the moment. if it all goes pear shape i have plans to, well mess them up , perfectly legally. And their money is useful as a buffer at the moment)


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