
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, March 20, 2006


Last night Hippe chicl and Gthman dropped round, shes canceled her interview at London Uni. She says she hasnt any money. Thats true im sure, we gave them some food to cook till they get thier dole check thursday. But i also think her canceling is to do with her self destructive streek.

Wifes been home today , she went to see her friend Nita. Shes oddly normal but strangely for "Normal" also highly moral. She told the wife that her ex council house has a ghost. She isnt one for flights of fancy. Apparently At night sometimes one can hear a child playing in the bathroom, or chattering. Shes wolken to find a curly haird girl hovering over her, her husband has seen a child standing at the foot of the bed and her nefews both saw a girl when they slept there, without knowing about the "visitor". her daughter ahs also seen her standing behind her bedroom door. She thinks its agir who maybe died in the old Hospital wing of the Abey that the council estate stand one. She not exactly frieghtend by her, she said she doesnt like to think about the "Ghost" It raises soem dificult questions, as it does for me too.


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