
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, January 07, 2007


God im nervious about tomorrow's dentist. I know its not a big thing but it really gets to me. Ive sepnt all day being tetchy, wife went out with son to give me some space. trouble is she then went and saw Chemical Ali and arranged a curry. Just what i didn't want, sometimes i just wonder if she knows me at all. I just wanted to be left alone, instead i got Godbotherer, chemical ali and wife and son and a curry.

I don't know if its normal but when im worried the whole thing becomes a problem. getting to the appointment is a huge step, just physically making it there. Then there's not throwing up or passing out when there... im sure there's some name for the syndrome, but im convinced i will become physically ill there or before. Then there's the metal on teeth thing they do.... and the examination. Im convinced that nothing about me bears examination, not even my teeth. There's one tooth she always digs about convinced she will do it this time.

I'm seriously contemplating not going, maybe phone wife to phone them and say the car's broken down on the way. imagin life without this every six months. i had that for over 15 years before and it was worth it.


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