
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, February 12, 2007


In this little town its sort of a tradition for some people to announce birthdays etc with signs on lamp posts or banners on the round about. For days we have noticed one appearing with a pic of a pretty slim girl for her sixteenth birthday.... today we noticed one that said "we miss you"... They are in fact for the girl who was killed months back on the bypass. :( ... She was in her Boyfriends car and they left the road at 100mph+ and she was killed, i've not heard anything about him, last i heard he was in a coma. We all do stupid things, mostly we live sometimes we die. Im genuinely sympathetic but. This case seems to have really hit the "chav" community, like a terrible act of god took her away. it wasn't that it was stupidity of her boy friend racing another car, a car that fucked off when they crashed never to be seen again...And at her funeral there was a lot of trouble in the town, trouble because the mourners parents bought their mourning kids booze and they went on the rampage. These are people who only reaction to things is to get pissed and act like arseholes. This demeans her death. When i drive past the cross and flowers on the bypass, i think not of the poor girl but of the idiots she had as friends.


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