
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, October 06, 2007


Chatted to Hotdog, he was raving about the government wanting to take his house. Well as i pointed out we dont all get given a £500K house, and inheritance tax is i think 40% on sums above £350K so it was a cheep house even if his mum don't last another four years (it has to be 7 years before the giver dies to avoid tax).. then he went off on one saying that his mother would have to sell her house to put his dad in a care home, which i'm sure isn't true at all, he claims the government will only pay $350 a week for care and he will cost £500...His dad is going totally senile, probably a deliberate ploy to avid his horrible wife if you ask me... she cant cope with anything and just works on pure snobbery and doing what she thinks suits appearances. Hot dogs Sis volunteered to keep dad in NZ when they visited, i think as they saw how badly the mum was treating /coping with him. But Mum wouldn't have its as "what would people think"...Besides he's always going on about people who live off his tax, why should his dad live off tax! The mum he said now gets up at five every morning the "deal with the post", she reads every bit of post as if all the spam mail was addressed directly to her, she's tonto and i guess ripe for the advertising conmen to take advantage of. But, fuck they whole family have lived a privileged enough life so they can fuck off.


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