
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

nother day

No news of our friend, yet. Ive been contemplateing the nautre of illness. Seems to me that there are three ages of Hospitals/doctors... birth and all the parafinalia that intails all the aparent trauma. blood and guts. gas and air, screeming and moaning. The the childhood A&E visits, the fish hooks in the finger, the falling out of a tree and the getting run over, things. then theres a lull, your fit and well and a teen ager. Fighting fit and never going to die, but aquireing habits that will add to your ill health latter on.. The back to the birth thing (so thats not really number three just it going round again) you find a partner and breed (so enter the whole A&E phase again, only spectateing now) and then old age. When everything is going wrong and your body is proped up by drugs and treatments. Every old lady in the post office chats incesantly about hysterectomiese and bad legs, they seem to enjoy ill health. nothing more enjoyable to them than someone elses new and interesting illness. Even thier clouths are now silected in the colour range or chemist shops. Soothing blues and pinks.

Hospitals are kept too dammed warm, they feel like being in one gient germ culture dish. No air, no space not cluttered with well used aluminium trollys and the fetish gear of illness.

wife has chatted to her on phone tonight, aprently she was quite perky with ill effects from cemo amounting to a slight rash on cheeks and swolen soles of her feet (wife remarked that she needed some rosey cheeks to combat the yellow and swolen feet ment she was taller now).. any way her dad and sister were there and im maybe going to take them all to her house tomorow in car. Which will be interesting. These are "normal" people we'r dealing with, my car is sooo very small. Friend will be ok in front but her dad (i think he's 70 odd) will be in back and sis will have to adopt what the wife calls the giveing birth position behind me, cos i have long legs.

While visiting my friend i noticed that the lady in the bed oposite was reading a Thriller novel. It raised questions about what is suitable for somone near death to read. Thrillers are always full of casual killing. Dozens of people disposed off without a thought. I once counted the deaths that James Bond was responsible for in "you only live twice" i think, it was 143 before i got bored. I mean i rememeber feeling uncomfortable watching films with my mum when she was ill, throw away death seems wrong.


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