
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well there's been "developments"... Got a letter from The Will solicitor thanking us for the permission to release the Will. But saying he wasn't going to. Ill type some exerts to entertain you...

" They were advised in Court both by Mr (mutual friends solicitor) and the presiding Judge that they must make a formal decision as to whether they intend to contest the Will over guardianship....."( my emphasis.)

"If they were to apply for Probate whilst contesting the Will they are in breach of their duty as Executors and it will be necessary for you to apply to the Court for them to be removed which is an expensive exercise."

"If Mr and Mrs Bastard have intimated now that they did not intend to contest the Will so they coudl obtain Probate and then subsequently did contest the Will they woudl have to be removed from their office of Executors at that time. They Cannot make up the rules to suit themselves" ( my emphersis)

They suggested to the court that the lad go up to them for a holiday with his dad (who hasn't custody) for a week. Without suggesting dates etc, or asking the person who has custody!

"The overall implication is that Mr and Mrs Bastard are siding with (the lads) father by using the same solicitor and agreeing for him to take (the lad) to them to stay. This is against the spirit of the Will and in my view (our friends) intentions and wishes. "

So they asked the court to award them a holiday with the father and son without asking either him or the legal guardians . The bloody judge said stop playing silly buggers. then they sent an email bitching we hadn't sent the Will release permission. these people are fucking nuts! They certainly have a personality disorder. They would rather have the lad looked after by a weak talky than our mutual friend who our friend chose!....... Topping it all Mutual friend wrote a nice letter saying phone the lad any time write to him any time he would love to talk to you and what?...they sent a letter to.... the granddad!.. they cant bring themselves to even send a letterer to her address!... fucking nuts!

You know everyday i compose a letter to them, when this is over, and it ends with ...I never want to communicate with you ever again you have polluted our and our friends lives for too long.

Shit i knew picking up the phone would be bad thing to do. Mr bastard shakeing with rage, very controled but quavering voice.
"Was it you who stoped the Will being released?"
"No ive had this letter and it apears to BE YOU" (i let him know i was pissed off)
he went on to ramble about the letter being wrong and the judge not saying anything of the sort and Our friends solicitor is holding thinsg up costing money and....."Its not you who i will be takeing action against, but (the solicitor)".......... fucking nuts as i said.

Just phoned mutual friend and informed her... we both laughed. Im tense tho, hope i can sleep.


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