
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Off round to mutual friends to resolve the letter thing. The lads been to his dad for a day and came back raving about how good it is..... bound to he gets presents be a different thing long term im sure, but if he wants to go there, that is up to him, but i cant in all conciounce let our boy go there to play. I don't approve of the dad, he's a nice chap but oh soo very weak.

Been round and finalised the letter requesting statements. Just printed em out put them in envelopes, with stamped envelopes back to me. And we printed out the email we sent to "them" and they didn't answer, with a request to answer the question before we do anything else. He will either back down, admit he was wrong and bullshitting, or admit to libel. A nice combo of ego brusing for him, if he answers it.. and im pretty determined he will.

Told Mutual friend of the "bastards" plan to get a solicitor to do the estate. She said it was typical that he's does something and expects everyone to fall in line, and that this is so he can just appear to himself not to have backed down. Something that will cost the estate a huge amount of money. Fuck him im not doing it, he's wriggling on a hook of his own devising.

Mutual friend has writen of her car yesterday, low speed cruch in a narrow lane...oops


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