
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Wow frantic, phone call from mutual friend, her poor daughter is epilptic and poor las is haveing small fits all day, can i go pick up the lad from school and deliver him to her, OK fine. Decide to set off at 3 for 1/4 past throwing out time. Turn down side street, bugger theres an acident in front of me, sit tapping wheel.... ten, twenty past....shall i park up and get a Taxi, no where to park!.. eventuly go going.... got there 1/4 hour late Lad is sitting in office i explain they are sympethetic etc. Take him round to mutual friends, get roped into a cup of choc, while i realise ive left a pan on the stove at home, rush off house hasnt burnt down!

Letter from the court. The wife requested a transcript of the court proceedings, so we could see if the judge told "them" that they had a conflict of interests. Mutual friends solicitor said he did. "They" say he didn't. Anyway we're not going to find out this way, the letter says "wholly inappropriate to release this information...." Ok fine, i thought it was a public court but maybe its not, of the judge cant be arsed to get it typed up (they record the proceedings)...


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