
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, July 08, 2005

another day deeper in debt

I waited in all day again. but didnt get the call to collect her. But good news she is home, with son and sister and father in attendance!.. im so glad she made it home, so far so good. My mother in law also phoned and said she was giveing us £300 to be distributed to our friend as she needs it, quietly.
Today i spent avoiding doing what im soposed to be doing, im stupidly lazey. Some one came round to have me serch the net for a landrover he wants to buy.... that was quite dull really.

At the risk of letting stuff, well out of the bag ive been thinking about my ill friend. She is one of the hardest working people i know. her small amount of money works really hard for her and she works really hard to get it. Unfortunately she has set ideas about what she is going to do and sometimes (well always) its not a great sucess. She also has the ability to get guys to do stuff for her. I know i am one of those guys. And considering that, i have come to the conclusion...rather red faced... that its down to her large breasts. Not that any of the guys, or me, get to do anything with the breasts. But we know they are there. (when pregnant she went up to a J cup bra, a fact i find sooo facinateing) And guys as a rule are sad shallow things, attracted to breasts. Ive talked to friends (guys) in the street who just totaly stop talking when a girl walks past in a short skirt. Thier eyes rake her like a wolf then they start talking again.... i mean what are they hopeing to see? Even if she were naked they wouldnt be in the que for the action.... why do we do it?... cos we are poor sad sexual beings, with few programs to run but for our brains to think we have a chance to impregnante every girl we see and wander off to the next. Our gay friend lives for casual sex, formerly "cottageing" but now he decided to get paid for it as "massage" thats what guy do without the civiliseing influence of females. Wham bam thank you sir/man. A minet tops, no forepaly, just release then on to the next if at all posible, useing the moments of repose to spot the next encounter.


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