
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, September 17, 2005


Went to the house today. To get some things people have ordered from our friends little company, trying to get some money together to pay her bills. Felt very strange going thro all the draws, notes etc in her handwriteing. Good job she was more organized that we are, found most things we needed. Listened to some phone messages, last time for that, the phone is now disconected. The place smells of frankinsense still, like a catholic church. It was so sad there, so quiet, still, all her stuff there, her coat and bag thrown over the chair back the last time she came home.

Went and got some stings for my Hurdy gurdy project. Home and got a sound out of it, im so suprised it worked at all.

My heart is racing, "they" sent another e-mail... willfully misunderstanding our mail to them. makeing it look like we had given permision to release the will when we havent (we made it quite clear we had no objection, but the other executors (the evil ones) did. Dealing with poeple so awful is very very hard. They are not the sort of people i know and i feel poluted by comunicateing with them at all.

They have sent an email demanding that our mutual friends solicitor "does not act" on our email..... shurgs, we said we gave permision but they had "other views" and he would have to ask them, we made it abundantly clear that "they" didnt give permision. How can one deal with someone who reads somthing then goes off on some stupid selfish crusade, why are they trying to hide it?

We just replyd, saying basicly fuck off, in more nice words, and re -read our email you gits, you have no idea what your talking about and i will say it again slowly for you you idiot. And playing it like we dont know what they are planning (to chalenge the will as it pertains to the lad) and since he informed us that the Executors have a duty other than to out mutual friend. We informed him we had a duty to the Will and our Friends wishes (which means not you, fucking shit head gitfaced cunt) in the Will it say in clear fasion that the lad is to go to our mutual friend not to them.... he cant in the end keep that from the court, especialy if the make a bid, i wonder if they know that to our way of thinking and some legel advice we have they have to resign then...and we fucking definately will realease the Will to everybody!

We sent it knowing its now war. Unavoidable and a just war, i just hoped it would be further in the future. Im shaking with rage.


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