
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, October 10, 2005


I feel rotten, woke up at three sort of deliriouse with my cold, and i thougth it was going away, but ite come back worse now. Trying via India! to contact the bank, as it seems from the post that our friends son had a saveings acount. They will phone back they said. ha....The guy in local branch new her but didnt know she had died, he looked a bit shocked. Thers other things i should be doing but, theres paper work all over the palce and wifes left it disorganised, i cant gte my head round it right now, just finding bits of paper and trying to deal with them. But cant phone as im waiting for the bank to phone back, if they ever do.

Bank did phone, its the lads money, no problem, legel gardian can come in and sign for it to be changed.

Phoned mutual friend, her letter drew "them" out. She was at church with her daughter, the lad didnt want to go so he was at home with her partner. The bro in Law phoned, chatted and talked to the lad for a bit. Considering the parner told me he wanted to wring the bro in laws kneck i think he was very controled. Mutual friend has been talking to a high up sociel worker/family lawyer. They rekoned that the court often goes with family blood line.... shit .. i am not working, doing all this just so the poor lad can be brutalised by his father and his view of the world. If he gets him i am sourely tempted to resign in disgust.... this is a guy who didnt talk to people who wore glasses "cos they might be a bit cleaver like".. id racist homaphobic and generaly a weekling with a brain like a bread puddin. One things for sure, our son cannot see him if hes with that idiot, i dont want him to be influenced by that idiot.


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