
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, November 27, 2005


I thought this was getting easier to handle, but its twenty past six in the morning right now. Went to bed at midnight, woke at half four, gave up trying to sleep at five. I must have been dreaming of it too as i snapped awake with it going round in my head like a poison rotary washing line. Im sure today's post will bring a letter from "them" demanding, aggressive maybe threatening and in no way answering our questions. Im tempted just to send the original letter back and back till they do answer, but the wife says that too aggressive and looks like we are being unreasonable.... We are going to blow their boats out of the water anyway. No matter if they have changed solicitors, we cant release the Will, maybe until they swear a statement saying that they believe the Will to be sound and our friend was in full control when she made it.... oh they will SOOOO throw their toys out of the cot when we ask that. Maybe then we will ask for compensation for the estate for the weeks they have held it all up.

Wife's just phoned, she's phoned the Childcatcher, but she wasn't about and the Will solicitor. He said for our own protection we have to email "then" tell them we have to cafcas (Childcatcher court report) and it raised these questions etc and can they clarify it. And as the Childcatcher wants to appoint a Guardian ad litum (Sp?) (basically a solicitor for the lad) what the hell to do about that...... how far pear shaped something can go when dealing with vermin.

Oh and the Will solicitor says one of us should attend the next court hearing to observe, fuck that means me.... probably meeting the bastards there.....

The wife's told me of the call she made to the Will solicitor, he "strongly suggested" ( as he cant advise us, as we aren't employing him!) to cover ourselves by sending "them" and urgent email (i think we will send it email and post too, so they cant suggest they didn't get it) saying we had the Childcatcher s report and it makes "serious allegations" against the validity of the Will. that will flush em out, as it was them who made the allegations, and after the 17 of October too, when the Childcatcher got dragged in. So they have been bad mouthing the Will while pushing for Probate, which to my mind amounts to fraud, morally if not in law. They seem to be under the impression that once Probate is granted then they are not subject to the law. Which is bollox. Especialy if they have been bad mouthing the Will before Probate!... Anyway the letter is to cover us as being the open ones not the devious bastards doing things behind each others back.

The Will solicitor said he hoped they had, as they threatened, reported him to the Law Society, as he has nothing to worry about and that would i presume get "them" into a bit of deep shit. The solicitor is more concerned with us than himself.

Waiting for wife to get our boy to sleep and we have to compose "the" letter, shoudl be interesting, do we go for indignant, someones been bad mouthing our friend and your realtive and we are pissed about it as im sure you will be.... or acusitory , have you done this terrible thign, lack of respect yaddayadda..... probably just go for, do you know whats going on?


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