Remember remember the 5th of November.
Went out to a fireworks thing in the persistant drizzel. Last year our friend was there selling glow sticks and whirly light things, hand over fist. I rememeber it was the first enterpise she had engaged in that just flew. No one worked harder at her busnes ideas, no one made money go further. But this was it, she made hundreds last year. She was happy to find soenthign which soldbut sad that what people really wanted was crap...... We met mutual friend and the kids there, the prof moody and moppy went to sit in the car as he complained he was wet. We serched for the lads grandad in vian, i had seen him breifely but didnt say hello, being a bit pissed off about his seeming suport for his no good idiot son.
Walkign back to the car in the rain i isolated mutual friend for a short time and told her we were off to talk to the solicitor on monday. The wife told me last night that when she phoned for the apointment, he said to wriet a letter stoping the Will from being released till "they" cleard up what the hell they were doing. I think he wants to have a bit of paper to wave about unloading responsibility. As "they" certainly said they would be sueing him for delaying the Probate. Gona have to word it very carefully!........ Mutual friend said the social worker had visited. Typicaly the social worker didnt know anything , had confused information and sugested that "Everyone get round a table for a nice chat"..... Mutual friend said it "didnt go well" and we really need those statements, i comented "that is wasnt working for captian Acrilic (the alky father)"... and thats my feeling. If he get custody i really feel i cant go on with the executor/trustieship. It would be huge fireworks between "them" and him then, he hates them, heartily despiseing them, and they are an anathema to a hard drinking boyo like him.... If the poor lad goes to him, he really is lost i cant let our boy play with him i dont want that sort of influence on him.
Im also pissed off about money. Went out with Lecturer as we do usualy on Saturdays. Ok hes got shed loads of money. Bu the encorages the wife to buy dinner when im looking at the menue and figureing to have £3 soup.... turns out to be all gone so i just think sod it and have something more expensive. cos the wife isnt thinkingof the money. Ive been wantign alittle MP3 player for weeks now, lookign in the shops and on the net. Thinking about the £20 itll cost, and not getting it as i know we dont have much money, fuck it im going out Monday and getting one, i certain ive saved more than that over the last weeks by not getting the usual food we do. We lived on roast potatoes for a week!
Walkign back to the car in the rain i isolated mutual friend for a short time and told her we were off to talk to the solicitor on monday. The wife told me last night that when she phoned for the apointment, he said to wriet a letter stoping the Will from being released till "they" cleard up what the hell they were doing. I think he wants to have a bit of paper to wave about unloading responsibility. As "they" certainly said they would be sueing him for delaying the Probate. Gona have to word it very carefully!........ Mutual friend said the social worker had visited. Typicaly the social worker didnt know anything , had confused information and sugested that "Everyone get round a table for a nice chat"..... Mutual friend said it "didnt go well" and we really need those statements, i comented "that is wasnt working for captian Acrilic (the alky father)"... and thats my feeling. If he get custody i really feel i cant go on with the executor/trustieship. It would be huge fireworks between "them" and him then, he hates them, heartily despiseing them, and they are an anathema to a hard drinking boyo like him.... If the poor lad goes to him, he really is lost i cant let our boy play with him i dont want that sort of influence on him.
Im also pissed off about money. Went out with Lecturer as we do usualy on Saturdays. Ok hes got shed loads of money. Bu the encorages the wife to buy dinner when im looking at the menue and figureing to have £3 soup.... turns out to be all gone so i just think sod it and have something more expensive. cos the wife isnt thinkingof the money. Ive been wantign alittle MP3 player for weeks now, lookign in the shops and on the net. Thinking about the £20 itll cost, and not getting it as i know we dont have much money, fuck it im going out Monday and getting one, i certain ive saved more than that over the last weeks by not getting the usual food we do. We lived on roast potatoes for a week!
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