
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, January 31, 2006


Weezy hasnt be able to get the hospital car people to give her a lift to the dentist, so she asked me to do it tommorow. 35 miles away though.

oh the bile ahs arived. It just plopped thro the door and i havent opened it yet.. shall i? shall i indeed, hearts pounding. Im actuly shakeing now....

Ah yes a rave....rave about the package we sent them, unopened mail in it etc...oh dear aprently theres a tax demand there... oh dear he cant open the CD file..oh dear...fuck you bastards!(that was my reaction)...Do you intend to stand down as executors (TOO FUCKING RIGHT WE DO)

question is what now.... what do we do. im not about to pay for a solicitor to draw up a dead of resignantion. Do i just Scrawly YES on it and send it back or "As soon as you can arange it"...i wonder.

Phone probate office. nice lady said "they" have to apply to Probate court for form for us to sign... so fuck them, we will do that then. Dam form dont have a box for why you want to resign, that would have been fun.

I just "replyed"..crossed out the crap on "thier letter" circled the "Are you going to stand down" and wrote Yes send us the forms"...copied it and sent it off...cunts uttter cunts have won.

Calmed down a bit now, considering why i did that. I sopose its a way of showing hatred, anger etc maybe appearing mad so they dont try to mess with us anymore. Treating thier carfuly bile laden letter with contempt is the way to go. Not answering thier questions, its thier problem now.


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