Just when you think that someone cant get any more dispicable, "they" manage it, with the ease of the true psycopath. Just now i had a shakey phone call from Dotty. Shes sitting in her car shakeing with nerves poor old dear. Shes over 70, and "they" have sent her a letter. Now she didnt read it out to me but it amounts to them acuseing her of not giveing the estate enough money for the stuff she agreed with our friend to sell for her, and the "display boards" apprently being worth money (two bits of fiber board with cloth over them.) So the people with a huge house and new BMW is acuseing an old lady who lives in a tiny cravan in a muddy field of theft, and threatening " to get a solicitor" involved... i callmed her down a bit by saying they had thretened us with that a few times. but it didnt make sense, it would cost them money, much more than they would get back. The main thing is "they" are the sort of people who cannot comunicate without also thretening. "They" cannot concive of anyone doing anything for them unless under the cloud of threat. I bet its true seeing as how excrable they are.
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