
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Some slight developments, the Evil Pair have apparently put the house up for sale. the lad is very very upset about this, personally i hope he hates them for the rest of their mean spirited lives for it. Acording to Mutual friend who got it through Lieing Grandad our friends father is very frail and hase moved close to them fo rhis health, poor bugger, what a family.

Mutual friend went out with wife today for a swim. The lad is being moved to a different school. the school nearer where they live, i wondered how long the drunken father would take to get bored taking him to school two miles away. Apparently the father has been at home all summer, which came as a revelation to Mutual friend who has been looking after the lad a lot this summer, presuming the father and his new Mrs were working. According to the court order Mutual friend is supposed to be consulted on any life change to the lad (and i think lists changes to education) as she wasn't. As with all these court things if you ignore them nothing at all happens, its all crap.... Anyway mutual friend went around for a word with drunken father and new wife, i cringed to hear that, mutual friend has this idea of fairness, while laudable doesnt always match up to reality. Anyway the new wife and drunken father hadn't actually read the court order, odd as their solicitor must have pegged him and her as a right paid of potatoes surely!... They seemed OK with it, which surprised me.


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