
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, March 03, 2007


Remember that we had a bit of trouble with the local pub being noisy and having lock in till dawn. They put the landlord on "watch" for three months and while he continued the lock ins he was quiet. yesterday i got a phone call from the licensing lady who dealt with it. The landlord's licence is being "reviewed" which means he's for the high jump, the brewery wont let him stay and risk loosing it... apparently he's been, throwing dead rats over the next doors lady's wall (as he knew she complained about him) , coppers have been called several times by the house opposite him , once at half four in morning when he was found to have a pub full of paying customers, he had the cops on him for racially abusing a bus driver outside the pub too. the licences lady asked me to write in support of the review, i will do that gladly and maybe suggest that the premasis isn't used as a pub at all... Humiliatingly how they do this is to post a big letter on his front door and leave it there for a month!.... Dickensian but funny as hell. Im so tired of these arse holes.


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