
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, June 08, 2007


The wife met her old manager from work, the one they got rid of soon after her... Its very curios but he had been there for about three months and rather oddly they paid him off (when they could have just sacked him, so they must have been shit scared of being sued?), he walked straight into a job in the employment agency.... he said the reason they gave for "letting him go" was he wasn't aggressive enough with his staff. And as his staff consisted of the wife..... by implication he wasn't aggressive enough to my misses! his comment was that he didn't like they way they were treating her and he wasn't going to add to it...

The whole implication was he was paid off so he wouldn't become a witness for the wife in any court action...None of this makes any busyness sense at all...mystified.

Went out to visit Fivemum, she's well and as usual we bitched about everything. She got a small job looking after a lady with emphysema, she drinks and smokes round her oxygen mask, poor woman. Last week Fivemum had to rush round as she wasn't feeling well and found her sitting drenched in piss, which she had been for probably a couple of days....Five mum called the doctor and thankfully they sorted her out some help getting dressed and fed, more importantly the poor woman needs someone to talk to even if its for a few minuets a day...Fivemum said as she took off her drenched nightdress she could hear most of the village going off to a dance along the road... so much for a close nit community.

The lady who shares looking after the lady has a sick husband. He is a driving instructor and one day driving along the dual carriageway he felt and awful pain in his lower head/neck and pulled onto the hard shoulder. Suddenly he wasn't looking at the road but his vision had somehow reverted to two weeks before and he saw people sitting round his home kitchen table. Diagnosed with a Brain tumour now.... i don't know if they are treating it or just waiting for him to die...


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