
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, June 06, 2007


One of the Mums told me something interesting today. There were five cop cars at the tiny industrial estate at her end of our road. Rumour... I told you about the Chav girl killed on the bypass, she was in a car apparently racing another car and left the road at high speed. The other car has never been found, it is said that it was taken to the Bike mechanics shed on the estate and being unregistered, disappeared by being taken apart.

HAHAHHAHAHhh new reaches me that the bullying Yorkshire guy from wife's old office has signed up with an employment agency... unfortunately for him the guy given his file to handle is the guy who got fired due to him "reporting" to the boss about every little thing he did..... he said "i'm buggered if i'm going to inflict that idiot on anyone else"....

I just heard why he's looking for work, and it does get better! After loosing/paying to get rid of three people because of their strange regard for the bully. They decided he would be best utilised in the upstairs office, where his immediate boss rumbled him almost immediately. Now he's given to extravagant gestures, and upset one day he walked up to the new boss and said he wanted to resign over some silly thing. So the boss waves him away saying, put it in writing, he went back to his desk and dashed off a hasty "I resign" letter and handed it to him.......the next day he's back and saying he didn't mean it, but i'm sure with a twinkle in his eye, the boss told him... he couldn't as it was now in writing and couldn't be rescinded, nothing he could do sorry i'd love to but.... your off funny thing is the guys such a bullshitter, he didn't recognise the ocean of bullshit the boss was handing him to eat...


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