
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, September 18, 2005

Sunday, cold nip in the air.

Clear sunny and bright, tho its aparent that Autumn is on its way. Nippy where the sun isnt on you. Morning spent car worrying and stuff, fixed car.

Afternoon at mutual friends. I chatted to him wife chatted to her, manily bitching about "them". I joined in some of the time. Saw "The Letter" to the court. The one the judge couldnt make head nor tail of, it is ramberling and angry and lies too. I feel better now though, now we know our enemy is truely confused in thought and seemingly just lashing out. The kids played amicably, our conversations stopping when they aproached. We wondered if they indeed have any legel advice, since surely any solicitor would tell them to stop being antagaonistic and obstructive. Maybe, maybe not tho, my experience of solicitors in the past isnt very good. If they mount a bid (tommorow, or at least then they have to ask for an extension or leave to make a bid latter) they will have a solicitor surely? Who if they are in anyway worth the money tell them to stop. If they hadnt done any of this we could all be getting on with our lives now. The lad setteling down and looking forwards to half term with them and us grieving our friend. Our mutual friend told us that two week before ehr death our friend was in hospital, crying about the posibility that her sister migth get her hands on the lad, she spent her last couple of weeks worrying about that.


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