
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Tuesday, manovering

I just took the Mystery white envelope to the Will solicitor. The white envelope, was given by or friend to our mutual friend for safe keeping, she handed it to us as she thought it contained the final Will, and it was inaproprate to keep it. We didnt open it. We did however mention it at first Will reading and the solicitor said we should all get together and open it.... We have tho found out (from Dotty and mutual friend) that it contains (we strongly suspect) the first draught of the Will. Hand writen by our friend. Now we thought if all the Executors opened it, "they" would imediately try to stop it getting out. As aprently it called the sis "paranoid" maybe more. And its proves her intentions before she got really ill. So as a subtal manover at the meeting on Saturday, the wife said, the white envelope was given to Mutual friend for safe keeping and may (well it might, who really knows!) a private letter to her and be none of our concern. And we sugested that we hand it to the soclicitor to open and IF ITS NOT THE FINAL WILL, he could return it to Mutual friend. Who will then "deal" with it..... at our meeting the other day with the solicitor he said a handwriten Will woudl hold great weight in court.......... she knows how to deal with that!

I phoned her and told her what we had done, she was quite impressed with our stratagem. I only hope it works out.

This morning i went to her house and picked up all her clothes for takeing to a charity shop. Im going to take them quite far away, i dont want to be suprised by seeing someone wearing her clothes in the street. on the way home in the car the bags carried the smell of her house, smell of church, from the guilding suplies (gums and murr etc).


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