
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, September 21, 2005


This morning, delivering son to school, a lad accompanying his brother and dad started to chatter about a "poorly horse" we asked and chatted back to him and the wife walked beside him across the car park. The boy put out his hand and held my wife's hand as they walked, it was so sweet. His dad said they had seen a horse and carriage on the top road that had suffered an accident. He said blood all over the road, carriage in bits in the hedge, horse looked grazed but was standing up... his boy looks older than he is as he's on steroids, he has leukaemia.

just waiting to go pick up wife and go to my huge file bag full of crap. Pen,Will and emails printed out.... list of questions. Hope we don't forget anything, im hoping seeing as he spent time talking to our friend in hospital he's prepared fro this attack. I hope we don't forget anything or think of some really important questions when we walk OUT of the office.

smoke me a kipper.....

Well that was interesting. The solicitor is a nice guy, sort of like a, trying to be trendy, uncle. We spent an hour chatting. First question, do you have to report this conversation to the other executors, answer, no, we are just three people talking, good. Will "they" have to resign as executors if the make a challenge, as he's a minor almost certainly yes, Good. Can they keep the Will secret from the court, (he was suprised we even asked), definately not! Good. Can the estate remburse mutual friend for costs due to chalenge, yes she can make a request,(shes been told by her solicitor it will cost £2000 to go thro the courts etc) if she wins , not so good but still OK. We chatted and found out that "they" have phoned him a few times!, without informing us as they should, as it racking up costs to the estate. Once he was told that they had collected most of the money bits and were "almost" ready to go for probate (the final tieing up of the estate) which suprised us and him as we told him they hadnt mentioned it to us and we had our friends acounts etc.... And, and he said he was offended by this, they rang to virtuly acuse him of makeing a Will for soemone under the influence of heavy drugs who had been unduely influenced into giving her lad to a "stranger"! Prity unbelivable.

The solicitor told us what had happened. Our friend had contacted the lady solicitor that had done her conavayanceing(house sale thing) to ask about a will. He had acompanied her as he's the expert in Wills. He had introduced himself to her (at home tho obviously ill) then left the lady solicitor to chat to her (she has know here for a long time) then returned after awhile, to start the Will. Took it away to be typed and returned the next day and sorted it out. He said that the "Statements" were his suggestion to make it totally watertight and intimated the first meeting was so that two solicitors could make statements that she wasn't out of her head on drugs and was in a fit state to make a Will.

He was obviously on our side, commented that "they" hadn't a hope of winning anything. But that "they" had on the phone to him said they were going to challenge weeks ago.

he said we had to get them to send us details of anything they had done. As none of it could be proceeded with without us, and to make sure he wasn't making a mess (deliberate or not) of it all and reducing the inheritance. And we should say we had to put in place funding for the lads upkeep as soon as possible.(that will shit them up a bit) It is ok to settle the Probate bit even when the family court thing is ongoing. So tonight we must compose a subtal demand. And email it. He said keep copies (as we have been ) even if they don't answer as silence will "speak volumes" latter in court. They may well be in deep water and liable for anything they have done off their own back.

I phoned mutual friend and informed her of the meeting, she seemed encouraged, tho still pretty pissed off, which is understandable. She's worrying about the money, she has some money that she says she will spend, but she's from the so called "professional classes" and, well they often worry about money and how to keep it.

Just remembered aparently one Executor can sort of demote another Executor. So they are not involved in every decision.The solicitor mentioned it in a sort of pointed way. I think that "they" sugested getting us demoted to him maybe. And he pointedly told us, no one can do that unless, you (he pointed at us)... agree. Tiz all smoke and mirrors ah.

We also discover what is in the "mystery white envelope" no not by opening it. But i asked Mutual friend if there was a copy of the draght Will in our friends own handwriteing as the solicitor said that woudl carry great weight in court . Proveing she wasnt gaga and wasnt pressured. And Mutual friend says thats whats in the envelope! Which is a result. She also said that Grandad was writeing a letter, and in it was that our friend had asked him in 2002 if it was alright for her to apoint our mutual friend as a guardian for the lad. To which he agreed... so she cant have made that statement under drugs or due to undue pressure from what "they" call a total stranger... tho in what hellish world a total stranger walking into hospital and takes on a seven year old from a drug addled person, i dont know, but aprently in thiers its posible.


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