
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Sunday. Speculation

Morning wandering round then visit to Godbotherer.

Thers been soem specultation withing the family, wel me and wife about whats going to happen next. Theres soem cross over legal things. Im frankly expecting a solicitors letter on Monday, demanding that we resign or reserve power. Which will no doubt be an interesting thing, because "they" will think the estate will pay for the action as we would if we do the same to them. How to tackle this? Wife is in favour of writing one of her rather elaborate letters and engageing the Will solicitor to fight it. I on the other hand think stave off engageing a solicitor for as long as posible (we cant aford to pay one certainly) And if "they" engage one, start to milk them for advice etc to "thier" cost. At present i am quite confident that we are in the right (and able to demonstrate that in writeing) That could all change of course!

The wife is looking woried all the time now, i keep trying to stop her worrying but her worry rather manifests itself as elaborate letter composition, in her head, i have to edit the real letters that go out!... My heart beats faster when i open the emails, or when the post arives but pretty much ive already "gon over the top" on this one. its only when reminded by them that i see it as combattion real humans onthe other end of emals or letters, mostly they are just a cypher for an all pervadeing evil i feel in humans.


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