Visited Fivemum this morning. Shes as usual harrased especialy as the middle lad is haveing a birthday and oddly they have another bloody hourse! This time a jet black cob mini shirehorse type thing. She is mad, talking about moveing to Ireland. Seemingly just because they had had a council tax bill and they dont have council tax in Ireland. Chatted to the farmer and his wife, his wifes got one blue eye and one brown, disconcerting till i noticed. They said they used three tanks of Oil to theat Fivemums house per winter (i think about £300 worth) no wonder the place is like an ice box with no heating! "Special" birthday tea was chips... they really live poor out there.

On return home a letter from the WIll solicitor, but only saying "they" didnt show up to the family court, so nothing can be resolved. Im wondering if they have gon on holiday and not told anyone, have some sort of crisis or walked under a buss... one can hope ah.
I'm pretty sure they are cooking up hell for us sometimes soon.
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