
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, January 13, 2006


Yesterday in the conversation the solicitor told us that the court down show any consistancy. One case he knew about, a lady dieing from a brain tumour promised her four kids to a friend of two years standing. Her husband, never had a drink/drug problem lost his kids to this friend after a court case. I happen to know who that guy was, it was the scolicitor himself, theres a great sadness there.

Saw Weezy She had a cold (a life threatening condition for her), but shes recovering well now. Looking forwards to getting her laptop computer and going on the net.

Just got brave and looked at the emails. Nothign there, they are waiting for us to realse the Will and they think they are scot free....are they bollox. When our sons asleep we have to compose a ripping "fuck off" email.... one saying your a lier and we know it, and now require varification of everything you tell us, makeing fun of his "secret legal" advice line, adviseing him that seeing as they refuse to tell us any finacial details then we are not liable for any loses (and he might like to run that past his "secret leagl advisor"), an attempt at intimidation is just that no matter how many times you say "its nothing personal", that we cant release the Will until we check out the court ruleing (due to his wish for secrecy, we must go to primary sources).... oh hes going to be chewing the carpet.


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