
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, December 15, 2006


Sitting waiting for wife to come home. She phoned and made the arrangement to get things signed and leave officially early this morning. Now she's up there, walking back down to me.

Well she didn't walk back. I got a call to come and get her. I drove up outside the office and the office was packed with people, i didn't go in just waited. She came out carrying a huge pt of plants and several envelops. The whole factory floor had crammed into the office to give good wishes and wish her well. Only two were a bit "off" the Bullys Assistant and Mr Dull.... even ArseBoss wished her well and said if he could help her he would. The factory guys seemed very sad to see her go, they know how many times she has chased orders etc round the building and done her very best to get things, considered impossible, done for customers. In the car she opened her envelopes, xmas cards wishing her well and a card full of vouchers. and two cheques as settlement. We went straight to bank and paid them in. While she was paying in i looked at the vouchers, there was £110 pounds worth of various vouchers, George, M&S , Monsoon... she has taken up collections before and know how difficult it is to get money out of them, this is the most anyone ever got when leaving. Wife felt very very appreciated, as she should be, maybe Arseboss realises he made a huge mistake, maybe it was Mr Dull who put the knife in deep.

We dropped in to Mutual friend on way to get some xmas presents, she was there with her daughter who was having another round of mild epileptic fits. While wife and ehr chatted in kitchen i tried to talk to her daughter, she just looked at me blankly, not hearing me, she did say odd disjointed things about the Tellitubie Poo, her favourite. I hope she well tomorrow and wife and her and kids are off to "Santa train".. a steam train event.


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