
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, January 16, 2007


Odd happening here!.. i wandered back in from the shed, and wife was half dressed and stumbling about with a bleeding toe. I inquired what was up and she said "There's a police man outside that want to talk to me"....confusion reigned as to how the wife could attract the attention of a copper while in the bath, cut her toe and now be running round requesting underpants... apparently she was in the bath and a persistent knocking was heard at the door...eventually she went down to the door in a towel and the plain clothes copper when appraised of the situation said he would wait ... so she got dressed. he was let in.... and the odd story was unfolded... the coppers had heard a rumour that Maxine Carr was resident in this street and not only in this street but in OUR HOUSE! (and also three other addresses in the street)... He said "She isn't in this street or this house, we know that, but we have to inform you that there might be the odd strange incident"... He's given us a number to quote and said if anything your not happy about happens phone 999 quote this number and we will send a car immediately.....

Its a persistent rumour round here that Maxine Car is in the area..usually some remote village. Though quite what people want to do with her is a mystery....


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