
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, March 04, 2007


I'm fairly frantic today, its three months since wife was got rid of by her work. Tomorrow she says she's going to sign on with the dole office. Fuck its all beginning again , all that fucking dole stuff all the stupid forms and crap. They WILL decide that the wife left of her own accord, they Will make it hard work, the wife seems as ever blithely sailing on with it all, while i fall apart with worry. So if they decide she intentionally unemployed, no dole money, and the mortgage insurance will not pay probably. the wife has convinced herself that the Mortgage insurance will be fine, will lit fuck. Insurance companies are in the biz of not paying out money and they will find a way not to pay i am positive.

Shopping in Sainsburys, standing out front looking at the torrential rain, a voice says hi. i didn't recognise him with his "fun solicitor" tie but its the Will solicitor. He's a nice chap. Asked about the lad, the wife took it to mean our lad, but i didn't. We told him the lad seemed a little hit about his mums death now, more than before, but that his dad was sober for now and seemed OK, and that mutual friend was looking over him. He asked about "them" we told him that thankfully they didn't seem all that interested with the lad now they had their own way, which puzzled him. I told him the whole thing was about power and not the lad or our friends legacy, pure power play and evil. He asked about the house, i said it was sold, and that nothing in our friends will had come to pass, he seemed saddened by this, truly crest fallen, shaking his head in disbelief. We asked about his new job and his impending grandfatherdom. His job was good and very busy his stepdaughter however had lost her baby...He was looking for an assistant he said. The wife said she was between jobs and launched into one of her long involved explanations, long winded and detailed, i cut her short and said "well anyway you ended up being made redundant..." just to stop her rambling, again. Previously he had asked what she did but now seemed to loose interest totally and had to go meet his wife...

fuck im worried.


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