
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, June 16, 2007


Went round for our lad to play with mutual friends daughter and friends lad. Outside there was a different car, tatty, pink fur worn out wheel cover, maybe i should have known, Drunken dad was there delivering the lad, with his new wife. She looks rough and chavy he looks tired and oddly fat now. I guess now he eats more and drinks less. He sort of ignored me, maybe even probably he read the statements about how useless he is/was....

Yesterday we bumped into NoMan the gardener. He looks fine, long beard always with his pull along bag on wheels. We talked about our friends house and its oddly empty state.

Its been one of them days when the wife seems caught in amber, or at least treacle. Only dimly aware of the time passing she's kept our lad out of bed far too long and he will be hell tomorrow..maybe it was the Gin And Tonic she had at Mutual Friends. Mutual friends partner The Prof seemed very odd today, sort of tired and grumpy, their daughter too was "difficult" shrieking and acting like she wasn't quite in touch with reality, maybe she's heading for another epileptic fit?

Do you know i come from a different planet from most of you?....a different time....

A time before Growbags. When milk came in slim elegant bottles, delivered early in the morning from rattling electric trucks. Before contact lenses, before normal people had phones (and those with real wires too!) or indeed cars. A time when gun crime was sawn off shotguns in a bank raid in the news or discussed in hushed tones on Police Five. When "terrorists" were all Irish. When trains ignored leaves on the line but often ran late and were Blue. When Spain was far far away, and a Taxi was a black cab between a museum and the station in central London. When Panoram had specials about Heroin. When a Mars bar attracted 25 VAT tax but a twix didnt! When there was for no reason a sugar shortage one week. When Porn was a magazine in W H Smiths. When i could buy two paper back books with my pocket money.


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