
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, August 05, 2005


benn at mutual friends, i had to sort out her attitude to the house. Wether she was desperate for the money (to suport the lad) or felt strongly that it be retained. i feel that it was such a preciouse thing to our friend that it should if in anyway posible be retained for him when he get older and its generated income for his upkeep. i can see the brother in law angleing to sell it and dispose of his responsibilitys. He said yesterday "if the lad shoudl come to us we would of course cover the mortgage insurance short fall" which i view as not so subtal blackamail. The he said it needed lots of meny spending on it (more than 30,000, which is far too high posibly double whats really needed to cover shortfall etc) I can see these people dont live in my world, he said things like it need a full kitchen etc, it dosnt its a "charecter property" it needs a stairecase and bit and bobs but its perfectly liveable.

Anyway mutual friend feels strongly that the house is important to keep, so we are agreed. i do really feel like as the solicitors said i was the "meat in the sandwich" i feel i could muck it all up and just ruin it all.

the lad, our son and her daughter played hapily in the garden. When i aproched to rescue him from a wasp that decided to land on his nose, i discoverd they were playing "funerals" couple of times i heard him say "i can do that cos my mummy died" sort of pulling moral rank on the others, tho i dont think it worked. Aprently yesterday in a big shop he disolved in tears for five minets when mutual friend wouldnt buy him a toy "you must cos my mums died".. i think this comes from the grandad who treated him to toys erlier in the week. eventuly they settled on collecting flowers round the garden as "bee homes" which they assembled in little heaps on the garden table. I kept them ocupied while mutual friend took a call fromthe macmillan nurse who was offering advice on the lads attendance at the funeral etc.

Mid-morning she recived thro the post the second statementthat our friend had aranged with the solicitor, it was visiting rights and acess for family etc... the other maybe be more "interesting" and probably gose to her sis.... mutual friend helped type the first will , from out friends hand writen will, and had to get her to tone it down. aparently she described her sis as "paranaoid" etc in it and an unsuitable parent!.... i wonder what it says. i wonder if its been sent or as i hope retained should they make a play for the lad. I think it may make quite a big


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