
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Tuesday. I'm too tired for all this.

Waiting in for macmillans to phone so they can collect the chair from our friends house. Mutual friend calls, can she collect the lad toothbrush he left (he's back at school today). She comes round and tells me that she has talked to the lads granddad last night, formerly he said if his son tried to take the lad he would stand up in court and say he was an unfit father. Now apparently he's back tracking and is fully prepared to lie in court. Family values ah. but how can we find who knows first hand? one, the only one who can is dead and they are all dancing on her grave.

One compensation the father hates the sis and brother in law (in fact called them evil bastards) the sis and brother in law hate him too.. i hope they will take huge bites out of each other in the following weeks. I actualy wish them all ill. Me the wife our mutual friend are the only ones thinking of the lad and not our selfish posesivness. why are people so casualy evil?.. i want to run away from all this, i hate people, they are worse than lice.

Just sent off al the bank forms to be filed in by sis and bro in law and valuations. they havent been in touch, probably prepareing to swoop agianst our Mutual friend, they are in for a suprise when they learn the fathers on scene, the sis may have a stroke (with any luck).


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