
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Thursday. double shit

oh well. Mutual friend phoned, shes talked to the Childcatcher. Childcatcher said she is going to recomend that the lad goes to his father, thats without consulting all the sources. So that fine then... We have done our best , we cant fight it now. Hes here now makeing a Darlek out of foil and selotape, poor bugger, he has no idea about what life will be like with his dad. He just knows the Holiday bits, one hopes the lad just dont get dumped one day when hes playing up, cos i know he can be dificult...

And an email from "them" suprise suprise, i wouldnt have looked if id expected it. i now am vibrateign with rage at it, i feel sick and worried. As usual "they" havent answered any of the questions, just reiterated thier own reality. Is there anyway to deal with them? Can anyone? All we can hope is to limit thier evil influences but not stop them and whatever happens they will think they have won. They seem to think that we are idiots for asking them to explain thier threats, and again they are trying to apply finacial pressure. Askign if we are going to pay for the hosue insurance etc.... god they are vermin.

Waited til the lad had been collected to tell wife. predictably she cried with rage and frustration, and she hasnt even read the email yet..... he are resolved to send the first email again, the one askign if they indeed did invite the creditors to sue us personaly, they never answer questions and im prety determined that they will start now.


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