
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005


Sent off the statements recorded delivery. Theres some confusion which i cant seem to comunicate to people, there tow good statements out there somewhere and not here!..i asked the wife to phone mutual friend last night and she gave me an agrument, so i desisted. I dont know whats going on anymore! Am i soposed to chase up these people i dont know? By telepathy? and Liburylady hasnt sent one, despite rageing about how important it was, why do people say they want to help then dont, usless buggers. Wehn it comes down to it you can see hwo people turned the other cheek when the jews were hauled off in Germany, cos it wasnt happening to them...

No comunication again. Did get a mystery card from the Postie, somethings at the sorting office, and needs £1.27 paying as its inadiquetly stamped. Now the only time this has happened before it was a crappy mail out from some estate agent. But i just could be "they" in full petulent mode, stuffing everything in an envelope with a first class stamp... im wondering if i can see the envelope before paying. I'll go see tommorow.


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