
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, December 22, 2005


oh well couldnt last, they sent another letter.... again not admitting anything and claiming they didnt threaten us on the phone and they chaged solicitors not for any legal reasons just they didnt need them... very odd that since they said they had changed for that reason... and we are being "intransigent" and therfore neglecting our duties. And trying finacial pressure, are we going to pay the mortgage etc.... nastly little fuckers.

I kept the news of the latest comunication from the wife till she got home, one of us rageing is enough. Shal i quote some of it? ...

"I dont understand the point of your e-mail. I dint say you hadnt writen since my phone call ...(yes we wrote three times you git)...but that you hadnt responded to my proposal ie to erelease the Will or, as we we've (sic) reached an impasse, to apoint an indipendent solicitor..(fuck you mate, we wanted to knwo if youd done as you threatened not any other bollox you said)... Ive no intention of sharing my legal advice (!!!!) with you. Everything i tell you gets passed on to other people. (sorry is everything you say a secret then and were not soposed to ask the Will solicitor about your latest madnesses?) I should remind you that all matters to do with the estate and, therfore correspondence, are legally confidential. (news to us and im sure the legal profession)... I did write to the creditors as i said i would. If i say i will do soemthing then i do. (but not as you told our dieing friend, respect her wishes).. However. I never once said that i would sugest that they sue you (you fucking did but your too clever to say so in writeing)....... lots more bollox..... You have no reason to refuse to release the Will to me. (oh yes we do twat) If you do there is no option, but to apoint an indipendant solicitor> I am in no way in breach of the conditions of the Will. (yes you are unles the court childcatcher is lieing) However , I should think that your intransigence certaily consitutes contempt of your positions as executors. How do you intend to settle the insurance, creditors bills and mortgage due at Christmas?. I can prove that i have done everything possible to do so .Can you?"

We have every reason not to release the will git faced cunt.... i hope you rot in hell, for the lack of respect for our friend and her child. Needless to say, we will address his letter with some questions and a request for a statement from both of them saying that they are not contesting the Will now or in the furture..i might just add in the past maybe?.. that means they call the Childcatcher a lier.... interesting


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