
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, January 16, 2006


went to town, friends bank wont acept the money we collected from Dotty. Bought box for all the paperwork. Came back went to my bank, they wont either, went to bank with trusties acount, after some detective work we found the acount (opening in August and not used yet), paid it in there. Im not holding cash they could claim ive stolen, so fuck em when they sugested we "hide it"...i put the tabs in with stuff to be sent. Fired the "release the will" letter into the post box on my way past without breaking stride. It contained a letter just light of your advice release the Will... and a letter to the solicitor with a pic of our friend, smileing when she sold my mag at a steam fair, she almost never smiled for a pic, and one of the lad and our son playing. We will have to ring Dotty, tell her not to ask for any more things to sell. Thats ended, We are resolved not to let them have any amunition to attack anyone. Not now and not in the future.

We wrote that
"We enclose a picture of (the lad and our son) and a picture of (Our friend).

We are going to resign as soon as we can, we don’t think we can win against “The Evil Ones” as they both appear to be deranged.

We promised (our friend) we would defend (Mutual friend) against them, but now that (the lad) is with the person they have chosen instead of (Our friends) choice we hope they will behave decently towards (drunken father). But we don’t think we can stop them whatever they decide to do. They care only about themselves and have no sense of shame.

Also, if (Drunken father) decides he doesn’t want them to have contact we don’t want to be in the position where as executors we have to defend their right to contact. They are the worst people we have ever had dealings with and we won’t be letting them ever meet (Our son) again. We are fed up with them poisoning our lives.

Thank you for your support during this trying time. It is mad that a report produced by one court showing that they have fought the will can’t be produced to another court in evidence. But there’s nothing we can do about it. We all know they have lied about (our friends) wishes and her state of mind. I think even the (Childcatcher) women must have an inkling by now. We’re fed up with them staining the memory of (Our Friend) and find it difficult to believe she comes from the same family. You only met her briefly, but we promise you she was nothing like them. She was always a good friend and one of the hardest working people we had ever met. And she had a very strong sense of morality, unlike this pair. She would never have behaved like them, were the positions reversed.

We might not have been able to stop them, but at least they know that there are people who know they are lying scumbags. Considering the level of selfishness, vindictiveness and just plain awfulness they manage to pack into their nasty little personalities we don’t suppose any co-executors would have managed any better. (Our Friend) would have to have been very unlucky to know a second lot of people as unpleasant as them, and that is what it would take to win against them. At least we’ve been a decoy target, as (Mutual friends) have had more than enough to cope with without having to put up with the poison they spread with every contact.

Good luck with the new job. We hope that everything works out okay for you."

I wrote onthe bottom a Chinese quote "He who would do what his opponant is ashamed to do, has the advantage"

It feels good to resolve something. Tho' its not over by a long chalk. But me and the wife have decided to treat thier every comunication with distain. Take thier letters, write a reply on that letter (copy it) and send it back, and anymore threats gets "Put up or SHUT UP" writen on it and returned.... im fed up with the legal niceties that make it all seem civilised, im fucking angry and i want them to know that and to fucking run if they see me comming. I havent posted the documents yet, the wife wants to just do the last of Our friends acounts, put them on a CD and enclose them (she promised our friend she would do he acounts) i sugested i sought out a virus to put along with it, but that was vetoed!....

Nasty moment i got up to go get our boy from school, and there was some post, a circular from bank, one to executors and one obviosly from "the evil ones".... i didnt open them before going out. Executors one is a bank statment. I opened it glanced to see what it was and dropped it into the "to be sent box".... the other....thank god was just the email rant in letter form. If they had started proceedings against us it all would have started out again (not that they have grounds but as the Will solicitors said, one never knows what "they" have told thier solicitor).. opinions are mixed here as to what to do with the printed rant. The wife favours just fileing it, i favour wipeing my arse with it and sending it back, or tearing it into bits and sending it back (i bet if he thought there was a threat or real violence that would shit him up). I gues file it with the others... wifes haveing slight cold feet about sending back the keys as it "might be viewed as unresonable"... so what i think. What can they do?.....they can fuck off is what they can do.

Just before i went out i had a call from Fearful, shes been trying to phone Mutual Friend, rather typicaly, as im sure she wants most to be left alone. Fearful thinks she can "help".... like you need an inefectual hippie to help. Anyway, she asked how i was so i let her have the story and how awful "they" were and advised her strongly not to do or say anthing for them, as it would lead to trouble from "them", even picking up the post etc. And on no acount contact "them" and i told her that they had moaned about her, which they had.

I must phoen fivemum sometime, shes haveing bad time with her dad and all those kids! We cant forget our other friends. Visiting her is like a holiday from the world anyway, its so diferent.


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