Feels like Sunday
Wondering what to do today we recived a phone call from our mutual friend. Can we meet her at the hospital main entrance, take care of the kids for a while, while she see how our friend is and talkes to the nurses. So we did. Tho in the event the wife went in first for a tiem and found her with another friend who hadnt seen her before, she was nice and witterd along amicably. i went to se eher next and spent most of the time talking to her. Our friend looked very bad, legs and feet swollen, body thin but belly distended. Eyes grey in the iris. She was asleep or at least with eyes closed much of the time, She was when awake fighting to open her eyes, wavering her head and seemed to be desterbed by periferal halucinations. Eventuly i left to look after the kids, i must admit i was glad to leave.... the wife and i had three kids to shepard around, our mutual friends daughter is a pain in the arse, she shreeks like a banchie, takes thing from the other kids, dont listen and askes the most stupid questions, like "have you got hair", while looking straight at you. After too long our mutual friend came out and asked us if we could take the kids back to her house as our friends sister was comming to take the lad swimming. So we set out across the car park, her daughter asked to hod the key and promised not to let if go or loose it. Within ten seconds she had lost it and claimed to have given it to my wife. We serched and found it in a fold of her dress... like i said shes not right that girl.... So we went back and waited, eventuly they came and took the lad swimming (tho the sis sent her husband in to fetch him... which i find strange, but then im not a possesive mad woman)... and our mutual friends partner turned up and we chatted till she turned up too, she had helped wash our friend. She told us they were moveing her to a single room, a room that has probably seen many people die slowly. She also said that the lad had asked this morning "if mummy was going to die" and she told him "yes it looked that way"... he seemed ok tho.
I find myself concerend today about a coment our mutual friend made yesterday. She was talking of our friends wish to be intered in her house. She said it would "limit its renting posibilities" this sound to me like the start of backtracking and justification for disobeying her last death bed wishes. I wil try not to let this happen.
raining today, fairly steady gentle warm rain. I excaped to the shed for some time this afternnon and the sound f rain on the roof was so very nice i almost cried (big boys dont cry)... fidled with thing to no great end, just proved my own incompitance with tools.
I find myself concerend today about a coment our mutual friend made yesterday. She was talking of our friends wish to be intered in her house. She said it would "limit its renting posibilities" this sound to me like the start of backtracking and justification for disobeying her last death bed wishes. I wil try not to let this happen.
raining today, fairly steady gentle warm rain. I excaped to the shed for some time this afternnon and the sound f rain on the roof was so very nice i almost cried (big boys dont cry)... fidled with thing to no great end, just proved my own incompitance with tools.
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