Wednesday feels like friday

Waiting to go to house again for 11 oclock apointment with letting agent, then again at 4. i must take some pics of the place.... i can cope with this, the people have all been very nice, so far.
My barell organ project is comming along. I suprised myself by working out how to fold a bellows yesterday night and this morning i actuly attemped, semi sucessfully to make a box to hold the air. its not quite square and not exactly well fitted in the corners but nothing filler wont sort out. Its drying now, no top or bottom yet. Worked out how to make flap valves out of inner tube too. hope they work when glued deep in the structure tho.
I feel encouraged by the meeting with the letting agent. he said £650 a month easily. which stacks up with rough figures of 200 a month to service the shortfall and works to be done... needs staircase, floor covering and couple of kitchen units and proper cooker.. they take 10% and handle everything. The lad could be the richest boy in school!
Well i was feeling quite good (under the circumstances), but i met another esate agent and he mentioned the posibility that if sold it would be a second home or a holiday let, both of wich are terrible thoughts. Also as i walked away from the house Booklady buttonhled me, went on about the fish, then about the lad asking her why his mummy died and she hadnt (tho she has inoperable cancer) and how the sister and bro in law were virtuly saints. i didnt say anything, as tho as alwasy she claims to be the soul of discretion, shes like a gossip foghorn.
Tommorow its another battle with the bank trying to open an acount.
I was getting a little pissed off with our mutual friend. In fact i just typed that and deleted it, but i remember shes taken the family off to wales for the week..
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