
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Sunday, July 24, 2005

bloody sunday

Phone call from mutual friend. She had started to talk to sis and they were getting on with each other well. But sis was going on about the lad etc and mutual friend mentioned that they were legel gardians, and she went sort of nuts, claiming she didnt know and all she had been thinking of was our friend not the lad..... which is a straight lie. Our friend had a big row with sis in hospital last week (just before maybe causeing her decline) our friend said she didnt want sis in her house and she was never to look after her, and she was not to take the lad under basicly any circumstances. Practicalities tho, if she comes out tomorow her sis is the only one who can devote care to her, certain intimate things have to be done and while the ladies can maybe manage i know i cant. The lad has been with the sis and brother in law all week and mutual friend suspects they are planning to take him away, child snatch. They are legel guradians but that can be chalenged and i wouldnt put it past her to do so... mutual friend chatted to the woman in the next bed, who from overhearing sis talk, surmises that she is planning to chalenge the Will....... i dont know how much of this is hysterical chat etc and what is true but she has certainly told one blatant lie that she thinks wouldnt be found out. As ive said she probably dont have any close friends who talk to each other so she wouldnt know.


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