it is Sunday
Phone call as we were going out. Could we pick up the key from out mutual friend for our friends house. the sister and hubby and her son are up the hospital, theres someone requesting some stuff she seels and could we sort it out. So we go and get key and chat to mutual friend. Aprently the sister is alwasy bissy when she phone wanting to chat about how things will work out. So she ends up speeking quiet nothings to the brother in law. She knows the sis sees her as an arch rival and his being very huffy about everything. Shes upset that we are executors to the will and that son is to go to our mutual friend. Basicly she also trys to stop anyone visiting our friend. we told her last night that my wife had been instructed by our friend to sort out her acounts, and we needed to collect them and she got huffy about that, another friend sugested to our friend that she collect all her photographs in an album and with her in hospital went thro them anotateing them for her son in latter years, she didnt liek that at all. (latter i met her and told her to phone the hospital and ask our friend to tell her stupid sis to let her do it)
we went to the hosue and looked for the acounts but without sorting thro a lot of things we couldnt find them so we left a note. I sorted the order and will post it tommorow. while we were there "fearful" came round very upset, shes known our friend for 30 years. she cried on me and was generaly very tearful. Sis seems to have bought soem other family down includeing a baby to see our friend, she seems also to really think that she may come home on monday, i doubt it. part of the hospitals stratergy im sure is to make plans like this untill a person dies to keep eveyone going and planning things. I really hope she does come home to die... the wife also maybe dropped a clanger by syaing that mayeb the son shouldnt stay with her at night if she does come home. From her experience when her dad died when she was a child she saw nights as being the worst bit ( i cringed when she said this as i see it as like standing in front of a speeding train). Sis sees this as interfearing non family people. She really has no concept of what a good friend can mean. i dont think she has friends. Even her husband told our friend once he was planning to excape her when the kids left home. She sounds a complet monster, but she isnt , just unaware of what she is really like and part of the problem for everyone.
Our mutual friend was given a white envelope to look after by our friend and she thought it inapropriet that she have it, as we persume its her Will. So she sent it to us (a nutral corner) We told the sis we had the presumed Will but couldn't open it to see if it was, as it would be inapropriet. After eveything was over we would return it to our mutual friend. Now i think she sees us as against her too. Just act like a grown up ..please... how can people be so dificult.
Just back from the Hospital. Our friend looked very ill face yellow as a sad celebrity. Sagging she was fighting to keep her eyes open. she did recognise me and asked what i was doing, i told her and she smiled. Somehow that made it worse, there still is our friend in there, trapped inside a poison body that killing her brain, slowly. her sis and nephew were there, our mutual friend and soem other friends. We took turns in sitting with her. i didnt stay long, it hurts to much, which sounds selfish but this is how my mum went. odd feeling tho . Inside i feel wooden, like with my mum, like im not feeling properly, like somthing in me has shut down. Last time with mum , i think it took the arival of our son to start it again and then not till he comunicated with me.
While we were there the hospital organiser aproched us and made arangements for a proper hospital electric bed to be delivered to her house, inquireing if it would fit etc... she said they hoped to get her home tommorow. I hope so too. Our mutual friend said she had had a good chat to her brother in law, very positive and productive and she felt much better now about the son etc. I hope the sis gets the message.
we went to the hosue and looked for the acounts but without sorting thro a lot of things we couldnt find them so we left a note. I sorted the order and will post it tommorow. while we were there "fearful" came round very upset, shes known our friend for 30 years. she cried on me and was generaly very tearful. Sis seems to have bought soem other family down includeing a baby to see our friend, she seems also to really think that she may come home on monday, i doubt it. part of the hospitals stratergy im sure is to make plans like this untill a person dies to keep eveyone going and planning things. I really hope she does come home to die... the wife also maybe dropped a clanger by syaing that mayeb the son shouldnt stay with her at night if she does come home. From her experience when her dad died when she was a child she saw nights as being the worst bit ( i cringed when she said this as i see it as like standing in front of a speeding train). Sis sees this as interfearing non family people. She really has no concept of what a good friend can mean. i dont think she has friends. Even her husband told our friend once he was planning to excape her when the kids left home. She sounds a complet monster, but she isnt , just unaware of what she is really like and part of the problem for everyone.
Our mutual friend was given a white envelope to look after by our friend and she thought it inapropriet that she have it, as we persume its her Will. So she sent it to us (a nutral corner) We told the sis we had the presumed Will but couldn't open it to see if it was, as it would be inapropriet. After eveything was over we would return it to our mutual friend. Now i think she sees us as against her too. Just act like a grown up ..please... how can people be so dificult.
Just back from the Hospital. Our friend looked very ill face yellow as a sad celebrity. Sagging she was fighting to keep her eyes open. she did recognise me and asked what i was doing, i told her and she smiled. Somehow that made it worse, there still is our friend in there, trapped inside a poison body that killing her brain, slowly. her sis and nephew were there, our mutual friend and soem other friends. We took turns in sitting with her. i didnt stay long, it hurts to much, which sounds selfish but this is how my mum went. odd feeling tho . Inside i feel wooden, like with my mum, like im not feeling properly, like somthing in me has shut down. Last time with mum , i think it took the arival of our son to start it again and then not till he comunicated with me.
While we were there the hospital organiser aproched us and made arangements for a proper hospital electric bed to be delivered to her house, inquireing if it would fit etc... she said they hoped to get her home tommorow. I hope so too. Our mutual friend said she had had a good chat to her brother in law, very positive and productive and she felt much better now about the son etc. I hope the sis gets the message.
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