
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Friday, August 19, 2005

Friday. feels like friday. at last im syncronized!

Early morning phone call from Sister. Hopeing to catch wife (who knows why, i suspect she cant really talk to guys then same as ladys). Are the goldfish OK?... yes fine yesterday, i say, then i gabble on and maybe let out more than i intended, about the rental potential. I hope i didn't let out too much and they gain ammunition, but its my way to be open, even if its not theirs. mid-morning phone call from Mutual friend, the lad wants to play with our son. Ok go round, and chatting, she's appalled about Goldfish call, they cant phone to ask how the lad is but phone about a bloody goldfish! I agree it is appalling. She is however encouraged by the letting potential thing. She seems pleased with our actions so far. She has an odd ex boy friend staying, Italian English teacher, Ill call him Mario as he seems always to wear white dungarees and reminds me of Mario computer games. he seems a nice chap, lives near Venice.

Rush back to catch gas man who's only details of visit are between 12 and 6!... a car in front seems to start smoking and dumps its oil in one lot on the road, so i arrive two minuets past 12 to find a "sorry we missed you" card on the mat.... phone the gas people trying to get him back but they wont/cant. Appointment aranged for Tuesday morning now.

Wifes off consulting the guy who arnaged our mortgage about legalities etc of letting the old mortgage of our friend run, if its posible/legel. We need to be tooled up for this battle.

Humm the guy after long discusion is of the opinion that "they" are after the money. I dont think hes right, they have no chance to get thier hands on it whatsoever. We have made sure that the acount is one from each camp to sign any cheque. He said inform the mortgage company and see if they will let it run under the changed circumstances, and ask whay the hell theres a "shortfall" in any case. It smacks of incompitance on thier, or insurance companies part, they should never ever let this happen, they might he says even be embaresed into writeing it off, i dont hold out much hope of that, but maybe its worth playing the "mis-sold" card. otherwise he says trusties mortgages are avalible.

Its past midnight, wife is out danceing with Godbotherer and Dusky. Dusky is a stunningly beatiful half Iraqie girl of 27. She realy is bodily lovely and shes nice too. Im not looking at the emails as i want to sleep tonight and i know they will bring, terse, manipulative pain.


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