
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, March 17, 2007


Got a call from Mr lecture, he's in town down from UpNorth. made arrangements to meet on the train to town, rather typically he had missed it so we were on the station wondering what to do now. He drew up in his car, he had missed the train by moments he said.... anyway we went to another town for lunch. He looked thinner and sort of a little iller, though i said he was looking good. next week he's to go back to the hospital to see if he's "Stable" still or dieing actively. I can see he's frightened, but what can anyone do? Had a nice time wandering and chatting. He's still very bitter about the collages actions, which is a bit boring when you've heard it for the hundredth time. We moaned about the wife's treatment too, so i guess its equal. But then we are talking about starving and he's talking about... well lots more money to add to what he was in pension etc... i guess you really don't look down in life, you move on and assume everyone has what you have.


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