
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tuesday. a week latter

Last week was just the normal stuff. Five mums dogs had seven puppies... etc

Earlier this morning got a phone call from "Mr bastard" directly he spoke i put the phone down, moment latter it rang again, i let it ring debating weather to pick it up, i did eventually... He said "Dcont put the phone down otherwise you'll regret it."
"So your going to threaten me again?"
"Err, no"
"So your going to threaten me?"
"look Jon, you have to go to a solicitor and get a deed of retirement for the bank"
"Ok....but i don't have a solicitor.."
"It has to be that now because you have waited too long now and they need that to take your name off the bank account. Do it now, send me the Bill now otherwise you will have to pay for it."
"So you are threatening me?"
"Go to a solicitor now"
" Go to any solicitor....don't go to (Will solicitor)....."
"Ok" at which i hung up.... He cant communicate without threatening us!

Ok so i went to the solicitor down the road and he's puzzled, what the hell is that? he's never heard of that. I explain what's gone on. He says your well out of that!...Find out what's they want because ive never heard of that... go to bank, much phoning you need a Deed of retirement... i phone main bank, eventually they say same...go back to solicitor. he shrugs he don't see why as we have retired and why cant they go to the probate court and get a copy of the resignation form... keen to just end it i suggest he writes a letter and me and wife and him sign it...he agrees, and to send the bastards the Bill.

Its all so fucking meaningless.

Thinking on it and talking to the local solicitor, Mr bastard is either confused or trying something underhand. I suspect he's actually confused. The bank account is a "Trusties account" but we are not Trusties. We were Executors that after the Will is sorted out (after Probate) become Trusties. We have resigned as Executors, probably the bank cant think in a slightly flexible way that it needs to see this. Now is Mr Bastard trying to make sure we arnt retained as Trusties? (I don't think we are, but maybe he does?) or is he just taking the banks idiotic word for it?....

On consideration i can see how this is going to pan out. We get the solicitor to write the letter, the idiot bank say that's not what they want, Mr Bastard refuses to pay the solicitor, we get stuck with bill. I say fuck off, war again erupts. What can i do otherwise, the solicitor says its crap. Mr bastards only reaction to anyone not doing exactly what he wants is threats....

Saturday, February 18, 2006


Poor Mr Lecter, he's well pissed off with being ill. The bladder thing was clear as i said but the white count is enough for the Doc to say he was "Worried" about it and he's got to have a bone marrow biopsie, which sounds awful. He looks so tired, and worried and tonight he's of to Holland on a jaunt with the collage. Back next Friday.

Letter from "them" plopped thro the door this morning, i bravely opened it to save wife having to. It said thanks for the information and write to people (banks etc) telling them your no longer executors or write a general letter to whom it may concern and we will do it.... im tempted to write "We don't trust these people one inch so we have resigned" letter and let them show it round... but i wont. What ever we do it'll be a few days before we do it, they can wait for us for a change.

Friday, February 17, 2006


Feeling a bit low today, totally unmotivated in anyway to do anything. I attempted to phone up people to see if i could at least go out and drink team but no one was home for some reason.

Mr Lecture called, he's worried. had his test for bladder cancer and that's clear, but the blood test came back with elevated white cell count which the dammed stupid doctor said could be trivial or Leukaemia, some choice. I looked white counts up on the net and it can be elevated by time of day, age , stress..many things, so what worry the poor bloke!.

Thursday, February 16, 2006


On the way to see Mr Handy, i stooped and walked up to the grave yard to see what stone had been put on our friends grave. Expecting the worst i was pleasantly surprised. A shiny black granite headstone, big bold gold leaf letters (most probably done by the guy she used to sell gold life too) "Her name" Artist of this parish and devoted mother to "the lad" and dates. i had expected some bollox about Family and i was ready to get angry, but as i said it was good.

Mr handys friend the multimillionaire is having trouble with his boat. Propellers parent quite what the manufacturers said they were and he is in danger of someone getting a bigger boat in the marina he moors up to... poor bloke.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


I thought id relaxed. But sitting here, doing some idle surfing this morning, the post slid thro the door and i actually jumped. Expecting some vile communication from the bastards, none there tho just junk mail. If they ask i WILL let em have both barrels.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006


Today coming out of school the little boy who comes with his dad to collect his brother. The one with Leukaemia reached out to me and asked if i would take his hand, so he could balance on the small wall like our son was doing. I took his hand, felt so small and cold. His dad said the other day when chatting that he had been on the Terminal ward at the hospital at Xmas, i really hope its not that bad, poor kid he's nearly always chirpy and cute.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Took Gothman to dentist, about 10 miles away, but the dentist computer had exploded so all appointments were off... he gave me the seven quid he and Hippiechick owed us when they run out of electricity before Xmas. I tried to refuse it but he insisted.

Sunday, February 12, 2006


Drooped a catalogue to the Prof. Drank tea, they saw the lad yesterday and he seems well, tho watching alot of telly and vids at his dads house, still liking it , which is good. Mutual friend told me that Booklady has had some good news her cancer has started to shrink. Which is good, i told her it was good but Booklady sees "them" as little less than saints. The prof said he would have to disabuse her of that opinion as soon as possible.

beech with our son, abortive visit to Weezy, she going for her check up in London tomorow, but she wasnt in.

Saturday, February 11, 2006


Posted the forms to the probate office, posted the printed out accounts, bank receipt and Dottys receipt to "them".....

Friday, February 10, 2006


Surprise day off work for wife. Dint do much, got her chin waxed..... Bank has found the trusties account again after a lot of searching. So Dotty s money is in. Didn't post the resignation letter yet, probably will tomorrow, printed out the accounts to send.

Thursday, February 09, 2006


Mr Handy advised me to "get the fuck out" as to the "them" situation, which is what we are doing. Tried to take Dottys money to the bank but they again cant find the account, as we haven't been told the account number etc, nice lady tried and phoned latter to say she couldn't find it, we will try to find something with a clue to its name etc. I didn't go look at the new grave stone, at present id be so tempted to smash it. I presume its cost will come out of our friends money.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006


Saw guy who i haven't spoken to (and not much then) for maybe 20 years, he s moved in down the street from us. Big house, smart girl friend and child, career doing exiting things round the world...made me feel boring and wasteful of my life...

Dotty came round this afternoon and gave me £104 pounds she had from selling our friends jewellery at fairs etc. She says that our friend is ageing against her evil sister from the spirit world. i bet she is. She understands how we have to resign and why we cant stand "them" any more. She said she is going to write "them" a letter and slip it tho the door of our friends house, pointing out their evil. I hope she does, i may do the same.

I discovered that her romantic relationship is with a well known local comedians brother! Odd indeed. She also said that the Will solicitor used to know him and drank in another brothers pub with him down PZ way. I told her she could come round any time and use our bath or whatever, she is over 70 and lives in a tiny caravan in a muddy field, she deserves some comfort.

Just come back from Mrs Gardeners and Armchairs house, they witnessed out signatures on the resignation forms. After some grilling about whether we were doing the right thing. I regret it but can see no other way, we are dealing with deranged minds. Sick people who im sure started planning this over our friends sleeping body in hospital. Dotty said that the woman in the next bed had heard them talking about challenging the Will while our friend slept...... sad.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Rang up Mutual friend she made me go round and drink tea. As i left the house a letter arrived, sliding reptilian to the floor. Its from "them". I opened it expecting i don't know what, it was thin so i sort of wondered what, they have obviously found out their emails get bounced back, so it was a print out of an email explaining the probate office were sending the form to resign and they could be returned to "Them" or the office. I think the office is best just cos i don't like the idea of any contact with the bastards. Mutual friend is ok, her daughter was off school with a cold though. She saw the lad last week end and he's ok, but apparently watching lots of telly (humm, is that the start of neglect? i hope not).

Some news, Our friend has acquired a headstone according to the lads granddad, who apparently wasnt all that enthusiastic, its black granite and put there without consulting anyone. Mutual friend was upset enough to not go to take flowers as she suspects "they" will have put some disgusting thing about "family" on it. I hope not. She lived amongst friends but sadly died amongst her execrable family. which would be a good epitaph. Maybe i should change it to that.

There she lies, somewhere she didnt want, she is paying for and her child with someone she more or less despised. Her sister she hated in charge of her estate and her brother in law lieing in court to get her son to live with someone he described as "and unfit parent". shit im angry now.

Monday, February 06, 2006


Nothing to report. Went and got Gothman and Hippee chick. Took them to get part for their washing machine too, which they need as i notice in the enclosed car, she's getting pretty errr funky. Typically Gothman was on time and she was not only late but took an odd rout so us driveing along the road to where she should have been just took time and get her angry.

Sunday, February 05, 2006


Not doing a lot.... took gothman and hippie chick to their friend bendy wendy, they couldn't afford to get there on the bus, and wife volunteered me to go collect them tomorrow too lol

On "Them" we cant sign till after Wednesday, Dotty is coming round to give me some money that she's made selling Our Friends light wands. So maybe Friday?... have to put money in bank and get signatures witnessed etc.... they will be chewing the carpet.

Friday, February 03, 2006


No letters. Wondering if they have noticed their emails get bounced back yet...

Che dropped round. Talked drank tea, got some plumbing pipe and fittings. Dare i just conect up the backboiler?...not sure really, what can it do?..vent off boiling water i sopose.

Thursday, February 02, 2006


Got about nine meters of brass rod, soon i will have no excuse to not do any work.

Mr Handy had a visit from what he caleld the "bin men police". Aprently the bin men found soem used syringes inthe rubish and reported it to someone. As handy pointed out the only syringes they owned are used to refil the ink cartridges and thier bins are from two flats, his and the dredful downstairs neigbours.... seesm liek it might get interesting there.

a short story of Len...memories of friends lost.

There was this bloke up fuckin' Truro way. E was a fuckin' taxi-fuckin'-dermist. Is fuckin' 'ouse had this big fuckin' barn out the back, and E Ad Fuckin' Girafes, fuckin' lions and fuckin' tigers out there. And E made money from fuckin' stuffin' fuckin' english wildlife. So E would pay fuckin' Five quid for every fuckin' badger you got off the fuckin' road and stuff the fucker. Only fuckin' trouble was Id collect the fuckers and go there all the fuckin way (40 miles) and E wouldnt fuckin' be in....So then i Ad a fuckin van full of fuckin' putrifying badgers for the fuckin' week.

Wednesday, February 01, 2006


Took Weezy to dentist (70 miles round trip), had entertainign chat on way about old churches. Poor Weezy i can see from her reddened face shes been on the Oxygen bottle more than normal. back at her flat drinkign tea she showed me soem pics of the old collage crowd, 20 years ago! seems like ive done nothing at all since. Probably because i have done nothing.