
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Monday, October 31, 2005


Funny how, your going along and ones life can, enter bizzar world in an instant. I suppose when trying to deal with irrational people who suffer a personality disorder has its dash of spice. But this one takes the biscuit, though im sure they will top it some day soon.

This afternoon i had a phone call from our mutual friend. The lad is well, and so is her daughter. But she talking slightly too fast. So i ask "ok what the hell have they done now" and well it is very odd, she was trying to put a good spin on things, seeing the best option, must have been hard tho. Apparently there was a court meetign on Monday. Which she didnt atend as she was away with the kids and her solicitor said she wasnt needed. However its why the terrible two were here monday. They put it to the court that, captian Acrilic (the father) shoudl take the lad and coem on holiday to their house.................... Apart from hes dosnt have custody, what sort of world is it they live in that that is a reasonable thing to ask a court to do? He hates them with a passion, for a start. He couldnt stand their company with out proibably hitting one of them (which woudl be sooo sweet!) Its seems they are sideing with Him against mutual friend for no other reason of unbelivable hatred of her for being our friends good friend. They would rather have the lad in the custody of an alcohic waster then her..... belive it? i cant quite, maybe you have to have a deseased mind liek them.

On the plus side. they have apparently engaged a solicitor. It just happens to be the same one as Captain Acrylic. Can that not be a conflict of interest? Or and open bid on his side? Our mutual friends solicitor apparently fire off a letter to the solicitor pointing out the conflict and requesting they are in conflict with their duties as Executors of the will and should resign!... (i don't actualy want them to resign at the moment. if it all goes pear shape i have plans to, well mess them up , perfectly legally. And their money is useful as a buffer at the moment)

Sunday, October 30, 2005


Doc glue in morning to admire the guitar he's made. Very handsome it is too. Wife surprised him by actualy playing the brief guitar refrain he's been trying to teach her for the last six months.

Earthfriend dropped round her statement this afternoon. haven't read it but she said if anything else is required she would write it, no problem.

Our old neighbour dropped round some post. One from the student loans people trying to trace "Blonde" i must admit to not knowing where he lives other than somewhere in London, tho he emails me often. Even if i knew where he was i wouldn't tell them.

Blonde, last tiem i saw him he had finsihed his halfmodel biz owing a huge amount of money. been taken to court by the bank and ordered to repay £2.50 a month for the next 40 years!So whats did he do? Commign from a family of lawyers and judges (despite his great great auntie being prosicuted for takeing sandwiches to some IRA guys who were besiged by the police in Ireland).. Well eh forged soem O levels and went off to uni do do busness law!.. (strictly speeking he did little forgeing, just photocopyed the top bit of the modual report from boatbuilding collage, folded over the bit that saif FAIL.....) He lived with The "wardrobe" once when he'she was with his/her wife "the Witch" obviosly that marriage ended prity much when the Wich foudn all her knickers streched beond endurace and a former husband now tonto and keen to be buggerd by guys. Blonde moved out of that frying pan but into a house with Radliegh Boy..... soon to become Radliegh Girl!.. we swore his hormoes made guys just turn. Radliegh Girl got her op paid for by her parents, after threatening them with going to the Sun (newspaper" with a story that wouldnt have looked great for a British Ambasidor angeling for a Knighthood. the Blonde fell in with Porky who had always been a girl. Former young girl friend of Stoteman. She was young then too, her resigned mother took her child alowance book to her new boyfriend. Stoteman accepted with pleasure, as he was a hopeless alky then, and they both got drunk all day and she walked on his back in heels, which he greatly apreciated.

Anyway Porky was with Blonde, but a pyromaniac Lesbian fell for her too so they had to watch out for unexpected fires about the place. The lesbian eventualy too to heroin and moved on, to a drying out place. But not before burning down Shooters boat which Porky was liveing on at the time.

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Skint. Met Gaylord in street this morning, hes fixing the drains at the flat. Wife bought her and our sons tain ticket this morning, to visit grandma in a couple of weeks. Went out and Mr Lecturer bough us lunch in PZ, the vegitarian cafe. We walked along the front and got soaked by the huge waves brakeign over the wall. We moved to the oposite side of the road, as stones were showering onto the road and parked cars, we still got soaked.

Posted off the permision to release the Will to the probate hearing.

Friday, October 28, 2005


Last night the Italian Job phoned and gave me an hour long ear bashing. No only is her voice strident and shrill but she goes over and over the same thing so many times, it leaves me wanting to scream, just 'kin do what you bloody well want!...... i had to advise her on what to put in the statement, its so hard to talk to her, dozy cow.

Apparently last night we got an E-mail from the "terrible two". The wife didn't tell me as she said she wanted me to sleep well, good call really. Apparently they have been down taken the plaster head thing to be valued (we discussed that and its Ok) and some metal screens (which we didn't discuss and im prity pissed off about). They are going to pay top dollar for that. Oh and we are apparently holding things up, as we haven't actualy posted out permission for releasing the Will to the probate office. Good i haven't done it cos ive been otherwise occupied but that's good, fuck them about a while, play them, show we can be difficult too.

Thursday, October 27, 2005


As ususal Mr handys in morning, he seemed chirpyer today than yesterday. Did the useual moaning about the world and discussing current biz lunacy. And what we had no money and idiots have.... I fixed him up with some software, which he seemed happy about. Came home and slobbed out.

Wednesday, October 26, 2005


Saw Mr Handy this afternoon after leaveing our son with Mrs handy while i went to help turn a boat over. Thier friend Moneybags has been in port in his million pound motor boat. Unfortunately he was rafter up against a 10 million pound boat so Mr handy said he really felt sorry for him. Hes got another boat on order from China. Tho hes worying about the fuel it will drink with its twin 600Hp engines. Mr handy seems a bit wan and sucken eyed, as we chatted he rolled a spilf which usualy means hes not been sleeping well. He takes it to combat his constantly churning thoughts.

Tuesday, October 25, 2005


Phone call from The Italian Job. Thankfully the wife took it, she gives me ear ache. Asked her to write a statement and email it to us. Fearful phoned to mainly i think to exorcise her wingeing voice, she's doing a statement, but was worried that our friend had been uncontactable for three whole days. I informed her she had gone away for a short brake and would be back tomorrow.

Sunday, October 23, 2005


fed up. Some friend of our friend phoned about buying some of her stock, She Italian and has the most piercing telephone voice iv ever heard. She rambled on, going over whether she actualy wanted the stuff, i didn't care, im fed up with people wanting their problems to be my problems. I don't need to know, i don't care, sort it out yourself dear.

Saturday, October 22, 2005


Nother letter from the Will solicitor.... he really dont like the Evil pair, hes asking if we have given permision for the Will to be released to the probate office "as ... express wishes were that we should be consulted at every stange." this seems to be a way of needling them over thier not wanting to release the Will to the family court.... all very odd.

Friday, October 21, 2005


odd little letter from the solicitor, saying he thought it best if statements were collected by our friend. Odd seeing as he requested a list of people willing to make statements.

Thursday, October 20, 2005


Mr handy, seemed mellow, probably because he hasn't touched a computer in a week now.

Afternoon visit from Hippie chick. She says her miscreant brother has become a big fan of Ketamine. Taking it as often as he can and ravening about its effects. Last time i heard his ambition was to become a Coke dealer, everyone should have ambitions i sopose.

She's got an interview at Cambridge University in a few weeks. She's always maintained she would go there to study architecture. Honestly i think she has no chance, she often seems more intent on proving she know more than her teachers then actualy learning, and take dislikes to people if they don't acknowledge her brains.... She not as cleaver as she thinks tho. And not as good at "art" either, being to slap dash with technical details, as well as besotted with a "pick and mix" paganism that soft heads often let leak in. She is brainyer than all her family tho, who live in squalid but middle class conditions next to the dump.

She told about he friend, not met her but she is an Ex Heroin adict, and tho now aprently clean she had been pulled back into it by her Ex a few times. she has a 7 year old daughter too... anyway her Ex killed himself the other week, not a great lose to the world, in fact probably a destinct improvement.

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


Afternoon visit from Dotty. She gave us 90 odd quid from sales of out friends jewlery. She was asking what to say in her statement. I said basicaly that Captian Acrilic is a lieing, booze sodden child with no respect for education and the resoning ability of a four year old. We bitched about "them" too, she really dislikes them, probably more than we do. In some way she is related and "in" with the local gliteratie, lords etc who seem to own rather a lot of land here. Tho she has no meny herself and lives (at 70+) in a small caravan. Shes been house sitting of recent months.

Tuesday, October 18, 2005


Bored, a luxury. Posted list of people willing to give statements to court. Che (ex of Godbotherer, he thinks its amicable, but she biches about him all the time, well she is now a registered bankrupt, hes just hugely in debt)... He talked crap and lent me a film i didnt really want to see perticuly.

latter had a visitation from Mad Hermans ladys. She really is bonkers, he plans to move to St Kitts is comming on. In that next week the ladlord of their rented house is takeing them to court for final time. She has no job to pay the mortgage she got from a St kitts bank. I think she was visiting to spy out posible places to sleep. On way, shes 'kin mad and Herman is so compleatly round the bend, i cant stand being anywhere near him. They have a big shipping container they are filling with compleat crap (collected from the bins at night) but havent even got the air fare to St Kits let alone the money for a container.

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Nothing much today. Stayed home, Wife and child went to cinema. Wish i did more with my time, i know i will regret wasteing so much time.

Saturday, October 15, 2005


Spent morning roolind down sand dunes, building sand castles for our son to knock down. Eating home made cakes, and feeling handfulls of black berries to his open moth as we walked.

On way home as aranged we poped into mutual friends. Rather typicaly she wasnt there at the tiem she said but prof was. We chatted eat cake till she arived back. Dam th elad is out with Captian Acrilic (the father) and his news girl friend and due back soon. I didnt want to meet him and especialy didnt want the wife to meet him. She has dificulty hideing her hostility. Too late due to dithering he arives awith the lad. Prof and I and him talk motorbikes. Women witter on. Amicably, but i really really dont want the lad to go to him. He's a week willed alcy. Shes a spotty Chav. He ahs not respect for education and limited horizons. The lad cuddled him a lot. But a day with "daddy" isnt a life with him, that im sure would change. Acrilic dosnt know when hes well off, he could have someone else looking after his lad and just have the best bits. But soem stupid idae of "family" makes him want posetion... everyone was so polite, what hes doing is evil.

Friday, October 14, 2005


Been visiting Fivemum. She seems more chilled. I can see her youngest is changeing from a bay face to a little boy now. She seems not to want to let him go tho. Tuned the gurdy, sounded Ok really , better outside the house though!

Thursday, October 13, 2005


Im sort of ashamed of myself today. It was our sons Harvest festival assemble today and i didnt go. I made and excuse and didnt go, i saw my own dad in that decision. I cant say i hate schools, thats too strong, cordialy loath, maybe.... its a good nice school. He loves it, i like it. But the thought of being locked in athe hall for an hour was too much for me and i ran like a chicken. He was disapointed, i let him down. I dont feel good about it at all.

Went the Mr Handys, ended up helping move setee up the stairs. His sort of daughter in law (but not, shes the daughter of thier son Ethelred's ex girl friend. In her world they are the first resonable people she has met , so she holds onto that with both hands. her mother is.. well a fruit cake. One moment hugely fat the next thin but always a mad spedaholic with a destict averson to any sort of housework. Her house is thick with layers of dust and two huge Alsation dogs hairs and it stinks. Shes true to form for a nutcase going back to collage to do Psycology...) She ok but obsessed with rubish like mobile phones and Mac D's.. she also has the obligitory tattoo on her lowere back/arse, a chinese thing, she has no idea what it says, probably western idiot or something like it.

Ethelred is ok himself, bit sullen. Lerning to fly. His new girl friend bought him a lesson for his 40th and he loved it. Hes ahd four lessons so far, suferd a flap failer one one and last week a birdstrike. A seagul flew straight thro the prop and got messily shredded over the windscreen. As one instructor said, "ive been flying for 12 years and never had anything like that happen. Are you sure flying is for you?" He works for a local firm that makes madly unreliable sound mixing equipment.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005


Had phoen call. Lucky the wife got it as she can lie fluently. yes we got it middle of last week, and just posted it back this morning. Its here strewn about the place. Have to copy it now, well soon anyway. he seemed quite civil on phone aprently. So he should be, he dont read things just flies off the handle, twat or the first order, still hes got a long way being a twat, certainly better off an us. A lot better off.

Wife phoned Dotty, she house sitting so not in her small caravan at moment. Enjoying haveignhot baths etc. Got her address to suply for statement. She really hates "them" i dont blame her really, shes been badly treated by her own sister.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005


Went to get foam for packing murmaid. Went and got an air filter for the car. that mechanic is so 'kin sullen. Grumpy even, look buster i know you took the oil out of my gear box and forgot to replace it last time i let you service my car, You know it, i know it. Lets not think about it ah, just sell me stuff to service it, and give it an MOT every year and stop being so sulky OK. I paid for a new gear box OK......

Dropepd in on Mutual friend, chatted, her friend Pip was there with her toddler daughter. I inteneded to put new air filter in but it was raining cats and dogs.

I tried to copy the well overdue docs. But first ink cart run out, refilled it. The run out of paper. They can wait till tommorow, i dont care if its delaying things, im not rushing it.

Monday, October 10, 2005


I feel rotten, woke up at three sort of deliriouse with my cold, and i thougth it was going away, but ite come back worse now. Trying via India! to contact the bank, as it seems from the post that our friends son had a saveings acount. They will phone back they said. ha....The guy in local branch new her but didnt know she had died, he looked a bit shocked. Thers other things i should be doing but, theres paper work all over the palce and wifes left it disorganised, i cant gte my head round it right now, just finding bits of paper and trying to deal with them. But cant phone as im waiting for the bank to phone back, if they ever do.

Bank did phone, its the lads money, no problem, legel gardian can come in and sign for it to be changed.

Phoned mutual friend, her letter drew "them" out. She was at church with her daughter, the lad didnt want to go so he was at home with her partner. The bro in Law phoned, chatted and talked to the lad for a bit. Considering the parner told me he wanted to wring the bro in laws kneck i think he was very controled. Mutual friend has been talking to a high up sociel worker/family lawyer. They rekoned that the court often goes with family blood line.... shit .. i am not working, doing all this just so the poor lad can be brutalised by his father and his view of the world. If he gets him i am sourely tempted to resign in disgust.... this is a guy who didnt talk to people who wore glasses "cos they might be a bit cleaver like".. id racist homaphobic and generaly a weekling with a brain like a bread puddin. One things for sure, our son cannot see him if hes with that idiot, i dont want him to be influenced by that idiot.

Sunday, October 09, 2005


Doing nothin' much. Went to field, amazeing how the weeds have grown really well! Like blackthorns 30 feet into the field now!, really should get there with a brush cutter. No tbeen a good year for apples though, picked two carrier bags full, even got three big pears too. Saw farmers new cob house, looks very nice, no wondows or roof yet. And saw his girl friends five day old baby, that five girls he has been responsible for, is his sperm defective! No name yet, just a tag on her seat saying Sweety, We commented that now whatever her name would be she would be forever Sweety.

Just sat down and opened the post from our friends house. banks etc, despiet haveing our addresses writeing to the executors at her house.... all this seems noraml now, the normal stupidity of banks and insurance companies. I feel over laoded with it now. We also opened the packet from "them" oh it says urgent, can you check this, im off to America next week end. Ooops its next week end now, well serves em right, if they were civil we wouldnt hesitate to open things from them. I dont honestly give a flying fuck what incoveniences them. In the envelope was the probate form, with a criptic letter saying it couldn't be "saved" once forwarded, which dont make much sense. Such are the captains of British Industry, hes got where he is by bullying and not understanding.


Gawd im tired... last night the wife went out to dance (northern soul at the acorn).... anyway waited up till 2 in the morning for her return, fine. Seven oclock this morning im awoken by Harry steping on my head, i moan about this and he steps on my hair instead, hes hungry and is off to look for food. Sleep, harrys haveing trouble finding food, wife advises him on probable location of food. Hes downstairs in the kitchen im two inches away, not asleep anymore...... doze off again, till Harry puts a big jar of marbles from the bathroon on top step of the stairs, it overbalances, hundreds of marbles bounce down stairs along with smashing glass, then hoovering and sweeping up....i got up then obviosly outclassed.

Friday, October 07, 2005


This morning ive been to our friends house, quiet, cold and dark. I picked up the post. Odd the amount of banks etc who are still writing to her, despite being fully informed. I had a mission. Years ago she told me that she had been out on a hen night with a friend. They had decorated hats. And hers had a... well no good way to say this, but it had a dildo on it. Which she complained was all floppy. I commented that only she could be given an impotent dildo! (not that she was much into sex, quiet anti it really, till her hormones went mad and she was determined to get pregnant) Anyway i thought i might be good to find this object and quietly dispose of it. I looked in every cupboard i could find and riffled thro the draws etc, nothing. I found a tobacco tin with a pipe. I remember her saying she had once tried to take up pipe smoking, for throwback fashion reasons i think. But now sex toys in evidence. I just thought it wouldn't be good for others to discover it. I had visions of everyone clearing the house and it rolling across the floor with a stunned audience.

Thursday, October 06, 2005


That big white envelope is still unopened on the side there. Maybe we will open it latter. Im haveing a rest from it all. Mutual friend phoned to arange me to pick up the lad tommorow after school just for a couple of hours. No news there. Computers playing up too, so if i stop it just may have crapped out for its final time.

Wednesday, October 05, 2005


Well nothing much happened today. Got another two addresses of people willing to make statements about the fathers unsuitability as a parent. Got big envelope of stuff, the probate forms etc from "them" havent opened it yet, i need some rest. I have a cold, bought home by our son from school im sure. tried to phone the alarm company for our friends house, We will phone you back, they never did.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Tuesday. good news.

For a change there's good news. I went to Mutual friends to fix my car on their driveway. She phoned the court when i was there and... they have made an application, but its not for custody, its for visiting and access and request to be kept informed of courts proceedings (what's meant by that im not sure). I suspect they consulted a solicitor. He said 'no chance, big can of worms to open, don't do it'....Mutual friend was relived to have just one target to aim for now.

I told her of our "thermo nuclear" option if they get difficult, request loan agreement for this £7500 that our friends dad "lent" her ten years ago and now wants back. Its a last resort if they prove difficult and im sure would be very messy indeed.

Of course they dont have to resign as executors now. But if the cut up rough, so can we.

Monday, October 03, 2005

Monday, mised a day

Yesterday the blog thiung was down so i missed it....

Sunday. Vistit Mr Lecturer in Hospital, his pee is lemonade now not deep claret so he looks on the mend. His sister and Bro in law were there, seem nice (tho form experience you never can really tell). Walkign thro a ward is a sad experience. Theres a young guy in a side room, lieing still under thin hospital blankets. Hair swept back, smart looking, clean, but hes always lieing on his back totaly unconcious. Feet together, like a wrapped mummy. Often theres an older guy or a lady standing looking away from him, looking out of the window. On the other side an older lady, skin like paper, wrinkled, oxygen tubes to her nose. Oposite her a thin haired darker lady, toothless, smiles as we walk past, sitting by her bed, eyes watery. All round nurses and ancilary staff buz round, never once saw one wash thier hands though. As we left the air ambulance took off from casulty.

Monday. Call from Mr Lecturer, as long as he pees clear three time they are to let him home. Later we rush to our phone, but miss it, its his number but hes engaged now then not answering. I hope that means he was off to the pub. .. just tried him again, yes hes home and tired but Ok.

This afternoons saw Mutual friend. She thinks deadlines for "them" to make an aplication for the lad is today but hasnt phoned court of find out. She said that she sent "them" a letter last week tryign to arange visits etc, no reply so far. She lives in a diferent world from us. She ahs 600 quid a month for food etc (not the mortgage) and cant see where to make economys. I wsih i had so much money! She has a terrible habit of hemorageing money, just walkign down a street she can have spent ten quid without trying. She lives in a place called money.

Saturday, October 01, 2005


Drove down 35 miles away to take our friends cloths to a charity shop. Far away, so we her friends dont see them. Drove past Lens old chappel, it upset me again, its up for sale i see, wish i had the money to buy it, i bet its over a quater of a mill now.

Afternoon visit to Mr Lecturer in hospital. The wife said his pee bag looked lighter than the claret of yesterday, i didnt look. Hes grumpy and as ever stuburn. He diabetic, keeps his blood sugar to low im sure and now is suffering migrains. He wont listen to us telling him to eat somthing. He also seems to be quite grumpy with the other patients, keeping his curtain between him and the Ok chap in the next bed and glareing back at the old guys oposite. Hes lived alone for so long, he cant stand the invavsion that their presence represents. God he really is like an old woman soemtimes.

All day ive been stressed. Again everyone seems to be moveing just a little to slow. Takeing just a little too long to do everything to my intense frustration.

Had a letter from the solicitor. The mystery white envelopes contents is revealed! It contains, the firms terms and conditions, and the draught hand writen Will (thank fuck for that), the letter says hes put that in his "files". We had expected that to go to our mutual friend, but i think he is keeping it "virgin" so that "they" cant claim tampering.