
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, November 28, 2007


Talk of the car park is the "jobsworth" and how stupid he is...Frostie got really het up about it, i think the jobsworth is keeping a low profile, he didn't expect such an aggressive reaction.

I've got a comission and as always i say "Sure i can do that" even though i have no doubt its for no money, it one of them godawful Bolo tie things with a "cornish" (they mean crap celtic) theme.....fuckinhell

Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Delivering son to school this morning, there was some bloke standing guard in the car park, copping people who were dropping off their children. I cottoned on he was some jobsworth from the "community hall" next door....apparently he's got a "thing" about people parking there to deliver their children. he's obviously been irritated by it for years and has now jumped on the health and safety bandwagon "its not safe, children will get run over " etc As if its safer to park in the street, stupid bastard!.. anyway he caught the Yorkshire man but left me alone as i looked like i might just deck the bastard....i await development, after school the parents sat on the park seat saying what an idiot he was, he was at the time inside the hall with the door open, so now he knows what we all think of him...basically a retired idiot who needs to feel important.

I went shopping on my way to fix up a CD rack for Weezy, went to cheepo shop to buy coal. I don't know about you but do you ever just feel pissed off and do something daring and possibly silly well i just was feeling abused by the world, paid for three bags of coal, went outside quickly (id been told the wheel clamper was lurking) to the store and picked up four...fuck em....i get ripped off al the fucking time why shouldn't i do it too...

Monday, November 26, 2007


Godbotherer wanted me to fix her washing machine today but to be honest i didn't feel like it... im waiting now see if she phones back and i can do it tomorrow...

Thursday, November 22, 2007


Urgent call from Godbotherer just as id settled in for the evening drinking tea and slouching out. Flip she wants me to fix her washing machine, it wont spin, she seemed confused by how to test how it did spin or if it didn't... so we went round. She cleared up and the house now looks nice and big. the washing machine was spinning fine, just not fine when you try to wash a hugely heavy pillow in it..... what the hell i was needed i haven't a clue...

Im off tomorrow to see Fivemum, at last she's got on the net, though im sure she keep the kids from it for fear of someone coming out of the monitor and killing them.

Sunday, November 18, 2007


I've been soo very very pissed off for no reason for days, so tired of people who ask me something then ignore me or just do what the fuck they were going to do , WRONG' anyway..

Wife's been on the phoen to Mrs Tortoise, she "being selfish" which apparently means she's been going out with the nice guy and not the guy who used to beat her up all the time...and the "care provider" who are shit employers have decided to make her redundant along with all the "carers" but no have decided that they wont pay out redundancy money as most of the workers got taken on by another firm immediately.... which is fucking illegal... But she said " oh i will just see what happens.." I will tell you what will happens, you dipshits will be fucked over and the cunts will be laughing.

Friday, November 09, 2007


Last Sunday went to Mutual friends fireworks party, the lad was their with Lieing Grandad. He didn't mix much and i ignored him, cunt. mutual friend has lots of "posh" friends, out of our league, posh cars and houses and attitudes.

Phoned Fivemum she was in a birthday for her youngest panic, she's sold seven of the eight puppies, for £150 EACH!...i put it to her that it was depressing to think that buy selling dogs she had made more money than she had made out of her art in her whole life....