
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Wednesday, November 30, 2005


Last night about half one in the morning, we were chatting in bed and the wife mentioned something which maybe significant. Couple of days ago in the report forwarded by the Will Solicitor the Childcatcher mentioned that she hadn't seen the Will yet. Yesterday she said on the phone that she now had a copy of the Will. Which is odd, as it didn't come through official channels (and her seeing the Will came up, 'cos wife pointed out to her that we had given permission but "they" hadn't, something she didn't know and had surprised her) It came from.... The father. Who should not have a copy at all. Where did he get that? It can only have come from one source, we have been very carefully about not letting it go out without all four executors permission. So "they" have given him the Will without our permission. Why?

I wonder if "they" have been behind his application for Custody from the start, maybe suggesting it to him from the first. Giving him the Will to try to get him to say our friend wasn't thinking straight when she made it. Its not complimentary to him. The statement about him from our friend, made at the same time as the Will certainly isn't. And the Bro in law agreed with it when me and him met to read the Will at the solicitors...... Maybe they think they can control him, or have offered him something...

A little diversion. Afternoon frantic phone call from Fivemum, can i pay her hubbys car insurance, Errr why?... im nice but not that nice! She means can i pay it with my bank card over the phone and she'll give me the money tomorrow, OK. Why exactly? Seems hubby has been stopped by the cops and, well, his insurance run out a few days ago...... oops. Phoned the insurance company with details and she had arranged it with them, i think she was panicking over nothing as the run out was within the usualy cover note time, but i paid it anyway.

She said she had visted her dad last week and he seemd fine after his big OP, cheerful even. Shes still worried tho.

Wife was cool about the insurance thingy, knew she would be.

No emails, no ranting phone calls, nothing. Maybe Mr jetset (mr "them") is off in America again. maybe he's just desperately planning some pincer movement. Phoned hotdog inquireing about Godbothers absence for her phone, they have all three of them writen thier statements, mostly they are about the fathers drinking, which is good as they know things we dont.

Been discussing next move, wife want to talk to Will solicitor tommorow (he was out today). Im wonderign just when to engage him to act for the estate to sugest "they" bugger off out of it. And just what the proceedure is for that, what with them haveing to actuly agree to him being engaged! they could become "reserved executors" sort of back seat executors, but im not keen, i want them off the case compleatly.

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Tuesday. Humm interesting.

Wife phoned she had a long conversation with the Childcatcher, who incidentally says she not a Social worker (quite insistently) she says she's a court helper type thing, with a law degree. Anyway, i only got some of the news but, she spoke highly of Mutual friends actions and parenting ability etc. And revealed that "they" have indeed been rubbishing the Will to her for months....... Wife told her a few of their antics, and she seemed inclined to believe her, and wife pointed out that the father isn't as he seems or as Granddad has said. She looks forwards to reading the statements. More latter when wife's home.

Humm. just conversed with wife. Yes they have been lieing for months it seems and not just about one thing but two (according to the Childcatcher anyway) She said yes they are supporting the fathers residency claim, and they have been claiming the Will is unsafe on grounds of our friend being very ill and drug addled. The exact timing she could not say as its a"private case" so she is consulting some legal person to see how much she cant tell us. However if / when the lad gets a solicitor appointed to act for him (not apparently paid for from the estate! way hay!) It becomes a "public case" and all records are open to anyone.... excuse me while i snigger. So they have been lieing to us all along, and that is demonstrable. It seems anyway. The wife said that Childcatcher said she took three pages of notes on their phone conversation and was most interested in the Father's drink problems and just why the granddad was exaggerating the fathers involvement. Seems no one has made the point of his drinking and neglect. Mutual friend is too polite to say these things. I hope the wife didn't come over as some sort of harridan, i don't think she would.

Of course all this is a tragedy of purely human devising, it casts a shadow across our friend and her little lad. Why would anyone do this? Do i believe in just plain nasty people? I think it more a case of selfishness from "them" blind "me-isum" they really cant see anyone else as important. The father, well he has some idea of "family" that he's singularly failed to live up to since the lads birth, and will fail again. He thinks he's doing the right thing.

Sunday, November 27, 2005


I thought this was getting easier to handle, but its twenty past six in the morning right now. Went to bed at midnight, woke at half four, gave up trying to sleep at five. I must have been dreaming of it too as i snapped awake with it going round in my head like a poison rotary washing line. Im sure today's post will bring a letter from "them" demanding, aggressive maybe threatening and in no way answering our questions. Im tempted just to send the original letter back and back till they do answer, but the wife says that too aggressive and looks like we are being unreasonable.... We are going to blow their boats out of the water anyway. No matter if they have changed solicitors, we cant release the Will, maybe until they swear a statement saying that they believe the Will to be sound and our friend was in full control when she made it.... oh they will SOOOO throw their toys out of the cot when we ask that. Maybe then we will ask for compensation for the estate for the weeks they have held it all up.

Wife's just phoned, she's phoned the Childcatcher, but she wasn't about and the Will solicitor. He said for our own protection we have to email "then" tell them we have to cafcas (Childcatcher court report) and it raised these questions etc and can they clarify it. And as the Childcatcher wants to appoint a Guardian ad litum (Sp?) (basically a solicitor for the lad) what the hell to do about that...... how far pear shaped something can go when dealing with vermin.

Oh and the Will solicitor says one of us should attend the next court hearing to observe, fuck that means me.... probably meeting the bastards there.....

The wife's told me of the call she made to the Will solicitor, he "strongly suggested" ( as he cant advise us, as we aren't employing him!) to cover ourselves by sending "them" and urgent email (i think we will send it email and post too, so they cant suggest they didn't get it) saying we had the Childcatcher s report and it makes "serious allegations" against the validity of the Will. that will flush em out, as it was them who made the allegations, and after the 17 of October too, when the Childcatcher got dragged in. So they have been bad mouthing the Will while pushing for Probate, which to my mind amounts to fraud, morally if not in law. They seem to be under the impression that once Probate is granted then they are not subject to the law. Which is bollox. Especialy if they have been bad mouthing the Will before Probate!... Anyway the letter is to cover us as being the open ones not the devious bastards doing things behind each others back.

The Will solicitor said he hoped they had, as they threatened, reported him to the Law Society, as he has nothing to worry about and that would i presume get "them" into a bit of deep shit. The solicitor is more concerned with us than himself.

Waiting for wife to get our boy to sleep and we have to compose "the" letter, shoudl be interesting, do we go for indignant, someones been bad mouthing our friend and your realtive and we are pissed about it as im sure you will be.... or acusitory , have you done this terrible thign, lack of respect yaddayadda..... probably just go for, do you know whats going on?


Afternoon letting our lad and the lad cause havoc round mutual friends. Tried to get Profs computer to download some god awful spectrum train sim and didn't succeed.

Spent alot of time just verbaly with our heads in our hands dispareing of it all, the evil that has been casualy visited on the lad, first his mum dieing in terrible pain, now the people who should be helping him (The bastards) actualy causing more pain to all surrounding and soon to land him with things no one aged seven should have to.

Friday, November 25, 2005

Friday, snowed like hell

OOOOOH... letter from the Solicitor. Enclosing two letters, one from "the bastards" other from The Childcatcher (social worker).... The bastards have in another long rambling letter that accuses the Will solicitor of threatening behaviour etc, now decided to switch solicitors! Fighting still for something that is actualy in the Will. At great expense yada yada crappety smakety, Well woopdy woo why didnt you do that two weeks ago, and if you arnt wrong, why do it at all? Maybe the answer lies in the other letter from the Childcatcher.....I know "they" are never ever wrong, but even to them it must be just dawning on them that maybe they are this time, maybe they have actualy consulted a "higher legal power" this time, not just the voices in their head.

The other letter is more interesting if anything, the Childcatcher is proposeing that the lad be involved in the "process"... so causeing him great pain, confusion and and awful situation for any adult to put a seven year old in... I have visions of the painting...

She also hasnt seen the Will yet (why the fuck not im not sure...well i am sure its because the bastards want to hide it from her, because it dont suit them) And that "questions" have been rasised (the Will solicitor, put red lines next to this) of the compitance of our friend to make a Will in her last days of illness. It demonstrably wasnt "the last days" and two solicitors will testaify that she was of sound mind, and all her friends too.... Seems the bastards have been bad mouthing our friend to Childcatcher. Well, we definitely cant go to probate now can we? With two of the executors actualy saying that the Will is invalid! they realy are complete arseholes.... hoist on their own petard of stupid blind hate and world polluting horribleness.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005


Off round to mutual friends to resolve the letter thing. The lads been to his dad for a day and came back raving about how good it is..... bound to he gets presents be a different thing long term im sure, but if he wants to go there, that is up to him, but i cant in all conciounce let our boy go there to play. I don't approve of the dad, he's a nice chap but oh soo very weak.

Been round and finalised the letter requesting statements. Just printed em out put them in envelopes, with stamped envelopes back to me. And we printed out the email we sent to "them" and they didn't answer, with a request to answer the question before we do anything else. He will either back down, admit he was wrong and bullshitting, or admit to libel. A nice combo of ego brusing for him, if he answers it.. and im pretty determined he will.

Told Mutual friend of the "bastards" plan to get a solicitor to do the estate. She said it was typical that he's does something and expects everyone to fall in line, and that this is so he can just appear to himself not to have backed down. Something that will cost the estate a huge amount of money. Fuck him im not doing it, he's wriggling on a hook of his own devising.

Mutual friend has writen of her car yesterday, low speed cruch in a narrow lane...oops

Monday, November 21, 2005


Nothing much happening. Doing the statement requests. Dull and boring not aided by me having mislaid the list of people im s'posed to send them too. Wife seems depressed, she's seems to be drifting tho this, with me trying to keep it going. Disorganisation is also having an effect now.

Sunday, November 20, 2005


The wife talking last night told me something interesting. Our friend told her that her sister was mad, lied, made things up and co-opted her memories from childhood. Most notably that she has to wear a special shoe to correct a semi club foot for some years, only it wasnt the sister it was our friend who had to have that speciel shoe. Which all matches up with out experience of "them " they actuly make everything all about them and have very silective memories. Whatever happens, its them who are center stage with no thought for anyone else. Our friend told the wife, that her mum told her that her sister wasnt right, and she had had measels badly when a child, went into hospital and "was never the same child after that".......

Friday, November 18, 2005


Oh a letter from the Will solicitor. "They" have been comunicateing with him, usual rambling letter addressing none of the points. They seem most obsessed with saving face, probably without even knowing that they are doing that. They really can never be wrong. Any road the solicitor enclosed what he had sent back, a point by point list of what "they " had done and how it could be interpreted to be going against the Will. They wont answer it, they never do. "they" are obsessed with timing too, when he stooped the Wills release etc and when he asked us to (as he points out he gave us advice and we took it, he didn't tell us to). That is when we saw the Will solicitor he rambled on about when he was away and how he told the secretary not to deliver messages till he caught up.......Arse covering and i don't blame him. "They" really don't seem to understand the slightest thing, it don't matter when and where, "they" are messing it up not us!.... maybe in a week we might point out that soon if they dont do somthing.....the estate may have to persue "them" for holding it

Thursday, November 17, 2005


Mr Handy, again as usual. After takeing that awful MP3 player back, so im sans xmas pressie again. Chatted about his millionare mate whos bought a million pound boat, it looked not much for a mill and you dont get much nowdays for a fortune. Made in China too. His sons offered him £5k to help with his software biz. Tho like me he sees it as not moral to take it, better to risk someones elses money, someone who can aford it.

He agrees with me on "them", we shoudl encourage them to get a solicitor not chargable to the estate as they will be easier to deal with and we can rack him up some charges, bastard.

Wednesday, November 16, 2005


Well that's interesting. got a letter from the "Bastards".."we don't want to fall out with you"Maybe they should have thought of that before threatening the wife on the phone (with libel).... They have "asked the law society" for a solicitor to handle the estate. Well i know what they mean but i think ill just interpret that as THEY will pay for a solicitor to handle THEIR end of the estate at Their cost. Fucked if im going to let them make the lad pay for their shitty mess. Oh and the interest on the mortgage seems to have risen from £100 a month to £375... how can i trust anything they say. And typicaly they didn't answerer a single question we put to them......So they have employed a solicitor to argue in court for access (spent thousands he said) over a point not in depute. And no want to employ another for something we could sort out if they went fucking psychotic. Am i mad or are they?.. Im going to (when wife is back) suggest its a great idea and we would welcome dealing with a solicitor and no them...see how that would work? It lets them know the estate isn't going to pay for it. and that we don't trust them one little bit.

The tragedy of our friends death, has become all about them. How very sad, so sad.

Ive just thought what this letter is about. Its his way of worming out without admitting to himself that he was wrong. They are great self deceivers. Im not going to let him do that, i want answers to our email first.

They claim apparently to have not received the letter mutual friend sent offering free and unlimited access (yes that really happens, never known a letter go astray myself though) yesterday she sent the same letter recorded delivery. they will take that as she don't trust them, which we don't, but you see how everything is about THEM.

Tuesday, November 15, 2005


Wow frantic, phone call from mutual friend, her poor daughter is epilptic and poor las is haveing small fits all day, can i go pick up the lad from school and deliver him to her, OK fine. Decide to set off at 3 for 1/4 past throwing out time. Turn down side street, bugger theres an acident in front of me, sit tapping wheel.... ten, twenty past....shall i park up and get a Taxi, no where to park!.. eventuly go going.... got there 1/4 hour late Lad is sitting in office i explain they are sympethetic etc. Take him round to mutual friends, get roped into a cup of choc, while i realise ive left a pan on the stove at home, rush off house hasnt burnt down!

Letter from the court. The wife requested a transcript of the court proceedings, so we could see if the judge told "them" that they had a conflict of interests. Mutual friends solicitor said he did. "They" say he didn't. Anyway we're not going to find out this way, the letter says "wholly inappropriate to release this information...." Ok fine, i thought it was a public court but maybe its not, of the judge cant be arsed to get it typed up (they record the proceedings)...

Monday, November 14, 2005


Well its been very quiet, i just plucked up courage to look at the emails and nothings there, i dont know if silance is a good thing or not. On balance probably not. My stratergy is any mail that arives im sending the questions from the last email back ignoring whatever they send, because they never ever answer question just throw out new ones. Id like to think they have decided to sort themselves out but i very much doubt it. Im pretty sure they are cooking up somthing nasty..we will see.

Sunday, November 13, 2005


Cold lonely house without wife and son. No unexpected laughter. No gigles.

Been round to Mutual friends to show her the statements. She read both, she was upset by them. But she said yes they are true.... Got roped into going for a walk in National Trust garden with kids and Prof and mutual friend. Took some planning. She has family membership and i wasnt keen to pay. So i gave prof a lift with his card and then (for free parking), he showed his to the desk went in and then i masqueraded as mutual friends partner to get in with the kids. Didnt want to go in her car as she'd promised to take the kids to a food place after.....

Saturday, November 12, 2005


Went out with mre Lecture on the train to town, his car is being fixed..... bit dull really. Nice train journey if infested with youths on the way to "hang" in town. I actuly found that quiet cute, they were all good natured and polite tho gagaly. Been tweeking the statment, then someone bought up the idea of libel..oops not sure about this, is it posible to libel in a court statment?..its not a public document. My statement is full off "She said this" or "that" tho shes now dead repeating a lible is no defence. We will have to ask the lawyer.

Friday, November 11, 2005


I jump when the phone goes, thankfully ive told most people to say hello, before i will answer. I have only one replay to "them" and thats comunicate in writeing only, anythreats etc i was in plain black and white. Mind you when i open the email my heart jumps too. No mail yet, i wonder if they are sending out letters saying we are stoping people getign paid, the solicitor said it would make anyone gettign such a letter laugh. Still not nice being libeled. Have to do our statments today, Oh what fun.

this afternoon im looking after our son and the lad for a couple of hours. They dont half get out of hand together, wreck the place they do.

Well they did wreck the place. But not too badly. Wife and son off to see grandma, just saw them off on the night train. Thios afternoon we have been doing out statements. gawd they are nasty reading. Roundly slagging off both combatants and all true too. We were in ahurry to do them in the time between work and train and trying to keep the content away from out five year old too. But we had tow visitors, both very unexpected tho nice. First Godbotherer, looking for Mrs Garden and Armchairs house, apparently its Gardeners birthday. We'r not invited probably as she dont want kids around. Gardener was desperate for kids but managed to frieghten herself and uses Armchair as an excuse for not doing it. She and Armchair are rapidly becoming "mad and childless auntie and Uncle". They grin and smile at our son but wince when he runs about and she even got snitty when he kicked a ball into one of her plants..anyway Fivemum turned up looking lost too, lost not in location but without children hanging off her legs. She here for party too, but ducked out for ten minets to see our house, she likes it and stay 3/4 of an hour, she will have got in deep troubel with Gardener for that lol.

Stil no contact with "the bastards"..i expect we'r on thier death list now...... it occurs to us too that they have lied on the probate form. About the "loan" they led us to belive it was a loan and now acroding to Mutual friend it was a gift quite afew years ago.... another rabit to pull out of a hat maybe one day.

Thursday, November 10, 2005


Well not a good nights sleep for us. I just fearlessly looked at the e-mails and there's nothing there. Last night we mailed them.... asking if what we understood by his phone call was correct. That he had obtained "higher" legal advice, that he wouldn't tell us and wouldn't tell the source, so we should release the Will, and if we didn't he would write to all the creditors inviting them to sue us...... he hasn't replied. Seeing as he goes mad if thwarted in anyway, maybe as i put the phone down on him he's had a stroke (that would be such a joy to hear) or maybe he's suffered Axminster carpet poisoning, from chewing the rugs in frustration. Captain of British Industry? Fuckwit extrodinare.

Well its dinner time and no replying email... maybe we have struck lucky and they have died.
Been out to Mr Handys, always good advice for bating people (he's fought a few legal battles and won). Apparently the next word to throw in is "Libel" and for seasoning "defamation of character". Which is what fuckwits actions, should he go through with it amounts too. Not that we have any intention of getting into that sort of thing, but the threat is there to be used.

The wife is to phone the Will solicitor today from work and explain the fuckwits threats and his mystery source of information..... i wait with baited breath.

Just off the phone from mutual friend, and latter the wife.... Mutual friends had quiet positive meeting with the idiot social worker. Keeps reiterating blood ties etc. And there something else she said which mutual friend wouldn't tell me about, for fear of me revealing prior knowledge to the idiot, as she want to meet me and wife and talk about something, the plot thickens. Its to do with some challenge to the Will tho, who knows, idiot has been talking the the bastards so its probable that the waters are heartily muddied. Anyway the idiot said that our friends voice is not being heard loud enough and it seems intimated that the statements need to be gathered. the sister bastard seems to be saying that our friend told her one thing and then wrote the Will saying another...... which is bollox, sister bastard lives in an alternate reality called "making it up to suit my madness"

The wife's been talking to the Will solicitor. He's had a ranting email, which he read to the wife. It doesn't address any of the salient points just raves about everything. The Will solicitor said he seems to be the bullseye at present, the wife suggested he jump about and wave to draw their fire bit to which he laughed and agreed, he's not at all worried about being sued. And as for their threat to get the creditors to sue us, he cant, they can sue the estate, we are well within reasonable time limits and the fucking LAW. The wife's been onto the family court and asked for a transcript. To see what was said.

Well night time and still no email.... one can only assume Fuckwit is busy writing to the creditors.

Wednesday, November 09, 2005


Well they didn't even get the letter and they have been going bonkers. Tonight we had guests round for some food and chat, midway the phone rings. Its "the bastard"....... i half hear wife remonstrating with him, she's vibrating with rage. An hour or so latter the phone goes and i pick it up automatically, its him again..."Oh hello..." he says..."put it in an e-mail" i say and put the phone right back down, cunt. Ive just seen the e-mail he wrote before he phoned, it threatens to write to tell all the estate creditors that we are holding up the money and to blame us. He says he's taken legal advice, "higher legal advice than (our friends Will solicitor)" no less, but he wont tell us who or what that advice said, except that they are right. Its and odd thing to fully realise that one is dealing with someone not in touch with reality. This is a director of a company we're talking about and he's nuts, even lacing even a sense of propriety.... i mean he know we haven't the money but, writing to people blaming us for holding up their payment is libel.... fucking twat. The wife's putting our son to bed right now , latter I'll get the full sorry phone story.

Been to mutual friends to organise the letter to ask for statements supporting the Will. We have to get people to dump on the father and them. A can of worms they have jacked open wide. I might even send them one askign what her wishes were maybe it will remind them (some hope) of what wankers they are being.

Tuesday, November 08, 2005


Well i ment to post it, sort of anyway. I will post it tomorow honestly!.... Been raining cats and dogs here, went out to see Fivemum, shes knackerd as usual, her youngest is five today, still nto at school tho, hes going part time thurdays but he says he dont want to go. One of the drawbacks of haveing a tribe i gues.

No irate phone calls yet, tho i jump if the phoen rings. i have a response planned, and its anger at then holding thinsg up, he seems to be abully and backs off then....some hope ah.

the phone just rang, i nearly jumped outa my skin. It sounded agressive. I didnt answer it....

Monday, November 07, 2005

Monday, meeting.

Well that was interesting. We did dash of a letter with the solicitor rescinding the Will release for Probate, until "they" cleared everything up. This is going to be bad in sure. But legally we have to. If "they" are found after probate is granted to be acting in collusion against the Will then we are bound to apply to the courts to have them removed which will cost lots of money. Mutual friends solicitor came in and chatted too. I told him that "they" maintained they didn't get told by the Judge that they appeared to be in conflict with the Will, he said yes he did (in a comment made to the solicitors as the judge don't talk to the ordinary people just the legal teams) and the court notes said so. Which don't surprise me as they hear what they want to hear. The solicitor is a nice chap but its so obvious the hates "them" it is i think quite unusual for a solicitor to call anyone a "bastard" as he did in passing.

both solicitors agreed that "they" were the type of people that were ok so long as you did eveything they wanted you to, the moment you say no, they go balistic, they throw their toys out of the cot and attack. Our freinds solicitor was basicaly refuseing to talk on the phoen to "them" he wants all of it in writeing. I dont blame him at all.

I just found Mutual friend and she still very upset about the thick "social worker" visit. The idiot hadnt any idea about the situation and went on about "blood ties" being so important, didnt know about the Will and had no idea about the wishes of our freind. Poor mutual friend went to work and had to come home in tears after that daft bitches visit. She even now scrubbing the house for another visit tommorow afternoon. Going to see her wednesday to sort out statements etc.

Good sugestion from the solicitor, wite telling them that we recinded the Will being released for probate, post it tommorow and say were on hoiliday for two weeks and post it secondclass. Just to get a rest from "them".

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Sunday, rainday

Of to shops to buy cheepest paint we could, off to Godbotherers for chat and tea. Wheezy turned up. Chatted. Goddbothers feeling good on her new seed diet and has lost a stone, shes lookign good too, recently shes been going an odd unhealthy looking shape, now she has curves. We talked about "the situation" she comiserated and said we were brave to do it all. Brave is the wrong word, i dotn think we realized what madness and evil we would be dealing with. Now we are in it we cant get out.

Contemplateing the request from the solicitor to bring a letter saying we didnt agree to release the Will...... we are thinking at the moment of going to chat first. It seems that hes trying to unload liability for delaying the Will and therfore Probate... and i know however we word it we will bring fire onto our position, the fire of hell.

Saturday, November 05, 2005

Remember remember the 5th of November.

Went out to a fireworks thing in the persistant drizzel. Last year our friend was there selling glow sticks and whirly light things, hand over fist. I rememeber it was the first enterpise she had engaged in that just flew. No one worked harder at her busnes ideas, no one made money go further. But this was it, she made hundreds last year. She was happy to find soenthign which soldbut sad that what people really wanted was crap...... We met mutual friend and the kids there, the prof moody and moppy went to sit in the car as he complained he was wet. We serched for the lads grandad in vian, i had seen him breifely but didnt say hello, being a bit pissed off about his seeming suport for his no good idiot son.

Walkign back to the car in the rain i isolated mutual friend for a short time and told her we were off to talk to the solicitor on monday. The wife told me last night that when she phoned for the apointment, he said to wriet a letter stoping the Will from being released till "they" cleard up what the hell they were doing. I think he wants to have a bit of paper to wave about unloading responsibility. As "they" certainly said they would be sueing him for delaying the Probate. Gona have to word it very carefully!........ Mutual friend said the social worker had visited. Typicaly the social worker didnt know anything , had confused information and sugested that "Everyone get round a table for a nice chat"..... Mutual friend said it "didnt go well" and we really need those statements, i comented "that is wasnt working for captian Acrilic (the alky father)"... and thats my feeling. If he get custody i really feel i cant go on with the executor/trustieship. It would be huge fireworks between "them" and him then, he hates them, heartily despiseing them, and they are an anathema to a hard drinking boyo like him.... If the poor lad goes to him, he really is lost i cant let our boy play with him i dont want that sort of influence on him.

Im also pissed off about money. Went out with Lecturer as we do usualy on Saturdays. Ok hes got shed loads of money. Bu the encorages the wife to buy dinner when im looking at the menue and figureing to have £3 soup.... turns out to be all gone so i just think sod it and have something more expensive. cos the wife isnt thinkingof the money. Ive been wantign alittle MP3 player for weeks now, lookign in the shops and on the net. Thinking about the £20 itll cost, and not getting it as i know we dont have much money, fuck it im going out Monday and getting one, i certain ive saved more than that over the last weeks by not getting the usual food we do. We lived on roast potatoes for a week!

Friday, November 04, 2005


I was going to visit fivemum today, but when i phoned she was going to take one of the brood to the dentist, had a cold and her dad was going into sergery to have half a lung removed, so she wasnt feeling very sociable. So instead i wanderd round th enet pretty much all day. Had to go get our son then quickly the lad as mutaual friends daughter was off haveing Physio. I must say, him and our son were hugely anoying, frantic. Wrecked the place between them. the Prof came and go thin. Hes stil hasnt made this sterling engine yet, he said he had worked out a mathematical formula for bending the crank tho........ its a freekin bent coathanger!.. he really is paralised by a desire for perfection.

Thursday, November 03, 2005


Well there's been "developments"... Got a letter from The Will solicitor thanking us for the permission to release the Will. But saying he wasn't going to. Ill type some exerts to entertain you...

" They were advised in Court both by Mr (mutual friends solicitor) and the presiding Judge that they must make a formal decision as to whether they intend to contest the Will over guardianship....."( my emphasis.)

"If they were to apply for Probate whilst contesting the Will they are in breach of their duty as Executors and it will be necessary for you to apply to the Court for them to be removed which is an expensive exercise."

"If Mr and Mrs Bastard have intimated now that they did not intend to contest the Will so they coudl obtain Probate and then subsequently did contest the Will they woudl have to be removed from their office of Executors at that time. They Cannot make up the rules to suit themselves" ( my emphersis)

They suggested to the court that the lad go up to them for a holiday with his dad (who hasn't custody) for a week. Without suggesting dates etc, or asking the person who has custody!

"The overall implication is that Mr and Mrs Bastard are siding with (the lads) father by using the same solicitor and agreeing for him to take (the lad) to them to stay. This is against the spirit of the Will and in my view (our friends) intentions and wishes. "

So they asked the court to award them a holiday with the father and son without asking either him or the legal guardians . The bloody judge said stop playing silly buggers. then they sent an email bitching we hadn't sent the Will release permission. these people are fucking nuts! They certainly have a personality disorder. They would rather have the lad looked after by a weak talky than our mutual friend who our friend chose!....... Topping it all Mutual friend wrote a nice letter saying phone the lad any time write to him any time he would love to talk to you and what?...they sent a letter to.... the granddad!.. they cant bring themselves to even send a letterer to her address!... fucking nuts!

You know everyday i compose a letter to them, when this is over, and it ends with ...I never want to communicate with you ever again you have polluted our and our friends lives for too long.

Shit i knew picking up the phone would be bad thing to do. Mr bastard shakeing with rage, very controled but quavering voice.
"Was it you who stoped the Will being released?"
"No ive had this letter and it apears to BE YOU" (i let him know i was pissed off)
he went on to ramble about the letter being wrong and the judge not saying anything of the sort and Our friends solicitor is holding thinsg up costing money and....."Its not you who i will be takeing action against, but (the solicitor)".......... fucking nuts as i said.

Just phoned mutual friend and informed her... we both laughed. Im tense tho, hope i can sleep.

Wednesday, November 02, 2005


Well i looked at the emails just now. Emailed Blondie to tell him the Student Loans people were on his trail, but we didnt know where he lives. Not that we would tell them anyway but its true, he emerges tho an email joke or something he's found, but i have no idea where he lives other than somewhere near London.

naggin email from "them"...have you released the Will etc interest on mortgage etc.... i just mailed back.... we sent the letter..... nothing else. Dispicable little worms they are, they can fuck off.

Tommorow i hope to start to fill up this space with pics. Wondering how i can take pics of people, without revealing thier identities (after all sometimes im pretty rude about them).. i have a few ideas, we will see.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Im not opening any letters or emails not today. Latetr in wekek i have to see mutual friend to sort out who and what we need int he statements, but for now im resting, resting from those irational bastards.... so DIY then lol

well even when skint i feel the need to do stuff... so problem, the landing is dark and has four "beech" effect blank doors opening on to it, so no natural light can get thro em...option one glazed doors £30 is cheepest ive found cant aford that.... so latteral thinking. cut a window in the bathroom door. I have ajig saw and drill etc.... go buy soem glass place mats... draw round them cut out hole...only stupid me i cut em that size not alowing a lip to set them in, so the fell right thro'. But luckily i had six candle tray things in ruby red 45p each, bought six. now we have a line of three ruby red frosted windows in the bathroom door...neat

Any way i feel destructive towards "them" most of all i want to screw them about, i want thier lives to be fucked around with, i want them to suffer. In my head i compose my parting letter to them over and over again. And my proposed letter to the lad when he atains the right age adviseing him to sue the cunts.