
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, October 19, 2006


Its was jacks funeral yesterday, i didn't go , didn't even know it was on, two guys from wife's work went, hope hes buried with his family.

Mr handy today, fuck he's annoying. I contemplated just not going this week. I usually look forwards to it. Hes so up and just knows everything, which he probably does. but his inane wittering about his "revolutionary" we thing is really really boring. Also he has no "taste" hes a sad art luddite.

Oh i took the two automitas to the shop this morning, fuck im bored with doing them for zero money.

Wednesday, October 11, 2006


I heard that yesterday my old make jack died. The last person i know who served in World War two. Nice old chap always wrestling with a mars bar addiction and a loopy wife. I once went into his house, under strict instructions not to tell his wife anyone had been in there. She had covered all the ornaments with cling film to "stop dust" it looks awful and the cling film was dusty. She used to get up at five every morning to clean (very badly) and wash things, and would only let jack get films out to watch, with no bad language, no nudity and no sexual references, so when she was there he was limited to children's films. When she went away he would nip down the Vid shop and rent naughty films, which wernt all that naughty. I remember when my brother gave us a video player he gave us some films, they were definitely not tame porn, but red hot hard core porn. We were quite surprised.

We first met him when we lived on the boat, he was always at the beginning of the path "fixing my boat" he had a wheeled basket with his tools and every day he would go to the boat and "fix" it. A more "fixed dingy once couldn't find. It was more badly applied patch than boat. Sometimes in the summer he would go for a row, claiming that it was OK as the water didn't come past the thwarts. I did point out that it was acting as a raft, but he was happy enough.

He was a rope maker by trade, born down here but moved to London to make rope. Even made a rope for Onassis's yacht, out of manila which stank so bad they used Lux soap on it. In the war he was called up and put in the RAF where much to the instructors surprise he volunteered to be an airframe fitter (almost everyone else wanted the excitement of engines or armaments) Some time spent sewing up holes in Hurricanes, lying in the mud (well don't the Sargent said, but this is a combat squadron we don't do such a neat job here) Eventual just as his Girl friend (to be his wife) had to endure the Blitz he was sent to Madagascar to service the Catalina flying boats, that searched for submarines off the African coast. Not that they ever found any. In Africa he had all the fruit one could want, sugar, and even a servant to polish his shoes and do the washing. The worst danger was sharks or sea snakes when swimming in the warm sea. Though he admitted a sort of phobia about cinema ceilings falling in on him and a fear of the barber... I don't think he ever saw any Germans till after the War.

Returning to making ropes then working in factories down here, he retired to his tiny cottage with his mad wife. Wandered about and fixed his boat.

I remember him saying to me i just want to make it to the year 2000 and he did and them some. I used to see him all dressed up and off to the family plot at the cemetery with all his relatives, they would all go and tidy the family graves and talk about the departed and have a picnic. I hope hes going there to be buried.

Monday, October 09, 2006


Dotty came round this morning to have a bath. Poor lady living in a caravan this time of year i feel for her. I put out new soap and towels etc but she bought her own, so no risk of encountering septigenarian pubs on the soap as i wash my face tomorrow morning. We talked for some time about things. As usual she seems to think I'm the calming influence and said id calmed her down when the "bastards" had tried to pressure her, i cant really remember what i said to her but it went along the lines of "they are fucking nuts, tell them to fuck off". Probably actually i didn't swear, she is old enough to be my gran after all and an ex headmistress.

Oh and....ust got cornered by the deputy mayor in t'steet with an update on pub that's been noisy. Apparently its been silent this week because. hes had a Uber carpeting from the licencing people and the brewery. the licensing people have said NO MUSIC, and one visit per night from a uniformed copper, and they will be doing undercover work, with "secret" underage people seeing if he sells them booze. hes on the "A" watch list for three months... i confidently expect him to go bust soon.

Sunday, October 08, 2006


Quiet day, but i did achieve putting up some trellis, which for a fucking lazy sod like me is a huge achievement. needless to say at every step i was thinking OK that's ten minutes worth, I'll leave it till tomorrow, but for some reason i carried on with the job. And its done. I don't know why, but for the last month thoughts about my Friend have been crowding into my mind every time i let myself just drift. Thoughts of anger and helplessness, sorrow and impotent rage. This isn't good. i must try to get over it all.

Thursday, October 05, 2006


Round to Mr Handy this morning. He's still happy and now he's requested that people tell him when he gets too exited and raises his voice. As i said before its very odd behaviour for him at least. Convinced of his new software being a world beater, hes appointed a "finance director" which is his son. Who formerly he seemed to regard as a bit dim, but since hes had a shop and sold it for much money, he thinks hes suitable as "finance directer". The new directer came round and they blathered on about the truly awful business cards he had made, laminated and green type on a yellow panel, they looked like a pool of sick, but they blathered on about the sharp edges. Is it a Welsh characteristic that they go on and on about things, stating the obvious time and time again. He also said my automita were terribly made but i coverd it up in the name of "Art" so it was OK. That made me feel great.

Mutual friend phoned in the after noon, asking if i was coming round. I was going to tomorrow but went round and chatted today instead / as well as. Maybe she was bored. Chatted and for the very first time we didn't mention the execrable twins. She wants to get a dog. Made me want a dog too.

Slightly exiting things been taking pics of my friends. Soon to arrive on this blog!

Wednesday, October 04, 2006


God i had a bad dream last night. I blame the "stinking bishop" cheese i had before bed. I dreamed that we had another baby and immediately after the wife broke up with me, on some yellow dusty lane of my youth. In the dream i howled and curled up screaming , hands cupped over my eyes. Which isn't like me at all, I'd probably just say "Oh OK"... Maybe i should show emotions more, or even have some more emotions!

Monday, October 02, 2006


Had a visitation from Flowerlady. She ever stops ranting about people getting to much (more than her anyway) and seems to think its her right to have a development property worth £200,000, always trying to work out how she can get the maximum out of it etc... which is a pisser as she flogs flowers now and hasn't paid any tax on any income for at least the last six years!..... in the end i just said i don't care about all the tax talk, i cant change it, it just happens so i don't talk about it. It really is all bollocks.

sigh........long remembered and never seen now, closed cockle shells you put in a glass of water, they open up and little flowers float out on a string. so sweet. Even in 1970 they were forgotten toys. I was in hospital having been soundly run over by an Austin A40 (still got the scar) my mum asked me tearfully if there was anything i wanted, and i said the cockle shells. She spent all the next day scouring the shops for them and found one on a dusty old fashioned toy shop shelf, bought it in just to delight me...sigh.

Sunday, October 01, 2006


Slow day just going round with family. Driving along, i had one of them, "hatred" moments, i cant say what set it off, but i just started thinking how good it would be to find out "they" were dieing or had died in some horrible way. I planned revenge i planned smashing him in the face and laughing while he bleed, hopefully as he choked to death on his blood and i watched.... very odd ah. I guess it means in not a nice person.