
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, April 20, 2006


One the way to visit weezy i bumped into Noman the gardener, he asked how everything to do with our friend was going , i gave him the low down, including "them" attacking Dotty. Hes said we were best out of it, but it bought it all back. the feeling of having let our dead friend down and allowed her legacy to now be firmly in the evil clutches of "them".

Saturday, April 15, 2006


Went out to the first vintage rally of year to see Dotty. She cool about "them" and again said i was a great help to her calming her down. Saw the letters, it had a list of things and their supposed prices, which no one can see where they got them from. The second Me Bastard signs EXECUTOR under his name the tosser. They really don't know anything about how to deal with real people. They mention the money paid in by "***us***" i feel sick even remembering they know our names and use them..... i really do hope they die soon.

Sunday, April 09, 2006


Phone call from the "prof" he wants the "Evil ones" address, a friend of his is very interested in buying our friends house. Fine i said but it will i think be taken as some sort of conspiracy, i advised against contacting them, just wait for the for sale boards id say.... Mutual friend and Prof have seen the Dotty letters (there are two) She dont pick up her post all that often as she has it sent to a friend (actuly to two diferent friends) One demanding information and acuseing her of takeing the jewlery and another demanding same and thretening a solicitor etc... Persoanly in her position Id tell the fuckers to get stuffed and only comunicate thro a solicitor, That at least £60 a letter to them and string it out for ages and ages. She lives in a tiny caravan, travels about to fairs and boot sales selling stuff to keep body and soul together, what has she to loose.

Saturday, April 08, 2006


Out helping Mr Lecter pack (tho we didnt help much really) hes got two relatives a nephew and an older guy who i dint catch the realationship. The nephew is a solicitor in the Pension prosicution service (or something called similar0 anyway the place he works persues miscreant fraudulent pension things, the other works in head dole check central. Bothe seemd ok guys similar "Up north" humour. Anyway they drove down in a van to help move. We walked to the beech cafe and had dinner then back to tea shop... Lecter seemed fit and well but had fallen down three stone steps in the dark a day ago and had to call up a couple of friends to see to him, which seemed to consiste of drinking his whisky and makeing sure his knees stoped bleeding, his elbow was also black and blue. We gave him the hip flask with Uncle Wicked ***** on it and he seemed to like it.

Got wife to phone Dotty to check she was Ok. She seemed to have calmed down, and siad she was glad i was in when she called as i'd sootheed her. Aprently "they" are claiming she has display stands worth £69 which appear in some acountancy notes, She dosent thats the umberella and cart Our Friend bought, not the boards. Arsholes issueing threats without haveing any facts.

Friday, April 07, 2006


Just when you think that someone cant get any more dispicable, "they" manage it, with the ease of the true psycopath. Just now i had a shakey phone call from Dotty. Shes sitting in her car shakeing with nerves poor old dear. Shes over 70, and "they" have sent her a letter. Now she didnt read it out to me but it amounts to them acuseing her of not giveing the estate enough money for the stuff she agreed with our friend to sell for her, and the "display boards" apprently being worth money (two bits of fiber board with cloth over them.) So the people with a huge house and new BMW is acuseing an old lady who lives in a tiny cravan in a muddy field of theft, and threatening " to get a solicitor" involved... i callmed her down a bit by saying they had thretened us with that a few times. but it didnt make sense, it would cost them money, much more than they would get back. The main thing is "they" are the sort of people who cannot comunicate without also thretening. "They" cannot concive of anyone doing anything for them unless under the cloud of threat. I bet its true seeing as how excrable they are.

Monday, April 03, 2006


Went round all the towns Antique shops today, quite dipressing, id forgoten what vultures Antiques dealered were. Didnt find anything, just what do you buy someone whos moveing away and has been declaired to be dieing? Not a clock or watch or calinder... we sort of thought a hip flask... but new ones are cheeper than old ones, even really awful old ones.

I heard someone describe the Russian psycie today as "Low level mantainance dispair" i might be seeing the world in a similar way nowdays...

Sunday, April 02, 2006


Went out with Mr Lecter, for the last time. Been going out most Saturdays i think for close on 18 years, when it was term time. Went to Mevagissy on the grounds we hadnt been there for years, had a pub lunch. He seemed distracted a lot of the time, as were we i sopose. He told us of his meeting with the consultant who told him he had non functioning bone marrow.
"So youve given me a virtual death sentance?."
"it that due to cost cutting? Couldn't you afford a full one?"
"God it must be miserable for you, Giveing out this sort of news all day long.."
"Thats why i get a (smile) HUGE salery...."

Mr lectuer seems to have told everyone, all week hes been out with friends for dinners in posh hotels and odd drives round. A blond in the pub said "this must be the best five years of your life" and kissed him. He said it remains to be seen just how far she is going to be a help in makeing it so. She could do worse, hes had his retirement lump sum (£23k) and owns a house. But he does rather reminds me in stature and maybe outlook of Tony Handcock. He phoned his friend in London, a retired Doctor and asked about the desease. The guy told him, it wasnt a good thing to have, but it wasnt the worst thing to have, relatively, but he would be better off with lukemia. Mr lecture said he told him the "end" would be "rather meloncoly" i think he pausded then for me to ask what he ment, but i didnt ask.

His nephew is comming down Thursday to help him move back "Upcountry" all his books, he has little else down here. He asked if i could help, i said of course, anytime... though i know from old that doing anything with him is agony, hes often like an old lady, pottering and takeing much longer over silly details than need be.

Today me and wife went looking for a going away present for him. The wife wanted a glass paper weight, but i rather think something small silver (and of necesity cheep!) and engraved with "Uncle Wicked ******" which is what ou son calls him, would mean more. We didnt find anything, i will have to go look in town tommorow.

Yesterday evening we got the call from Mutual friend that the lad was at her house and our son was welcome to come play. We went after being out all day. Our son played violent games with guns a swords as is the want of kids. then watched a Star Wars film. Mutual friend said something interesting though. She asked the Father if "they" had been in contact' aparently not to him, just two calls to grandad, can someone have informend them that he hates them?... Aprently "The Italian Job" called "Mrs Them" in order to try to retrive her pictures of Our Friend and "Mrs Them" appeard not to know that the lad was with his father! She seems a little confused even..... maybe she has gon over the top now and is truely un-hideably mad now. It would be a fitting end to her and "them"... one can but hope.