
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Thursday, August 03, 2006


This morning i went to B&Q looking for a plant. I wanted a fern, but settled for eight little lavender plants. I went to the grave with our son. There were some wilted lilies in a vase, i gave them some water, another small lavender to one side. Lacking a trowel i dug down with my hands, planted four, took four home. Still have the dirt under my nails.

As we left there was a big panel van at the entrance, a small lorry reversed up to its tailgate, it was from the local funeral directer and builder. On the side it said something about warmthand quality builders. The big van was stacked to the roof with white pine coffins. They started to load them from the large van to the small.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006


Today it is a year ago that Our Friend died. Our friend died with her hated sister in attendance, the now proved despicable brother in law and her poor old father.

This morning i went to the tip and as the tip is on the way to Mutual Friends we dropped in on the way back, thinking to just say High and maybe have a cup of tea. Instead we spent all day there, our son playing with their daughter and latter the lad too. Sort of helping Prof fix the car (fan belt) and chatting. Mutual friend wants to put flowers on the grave, probably plant some too. I told her that Our Friends favorite was "red hot pokers", she planted them several times in her small patch but i think they only grew once. I remember her saying how much she liked them, so i suggested them. We looked them up in a book and i think maybe she will get some to plant. She said "it doesn't seem like a year...." to me it seems like a life time. Im pretty down about it. Hide it well i hope but its hard work most of the time.