
Just me talking, telling stories of people i know or have known and the story of My friends death... not as depressing as it sounds!

Location: cornwall, United Kingdom

married one son (7)

Saturday, September 30, 2006


Of to town, getting the usual junk that one thinks you need. Some confusion about what constitutes "reading glasses" in Spec-savers. I ended up buying some more glasses (last week i ordered some off the net which i think and hope are "normal" distance glasses)this time described and "reading" though the guy in the shop didn't seem to know a lot about glasses.

Bumped into a lady Ive met about twice 17ish years ago. Shes now got a lad slightly older than ours. He seems nice and articulate, which is a surprising his mum has the stumbling, irritatingly slow delivery of the permanently drug addled. She is notable as the last time i saw her, i was on my bike and she was crossing the road, wearing a skirt, a skirt at one would describe as a belt if she wasn't also wearing a belt. Sometimes one see girls in very short skirts, so short that, one lustily thinks of them exposing their underwear when bending down. This skirt however did, even when she was standing still, expose her knickers. Rather washed out formerly turquoise Lacey affairs with matted blond pubes drifting out the sides, as i vividly remember.

Friday, September 29, 2006


No one could be more surprised that that appears to work. Since to display that's clip my own incompetence has to be balanced with telling me there is some sort of error in the HTML code. WTF it works, better than expected. Anyway that's something i made over last couple of weeks. And now resides in a gallery, where some rich bastard will buy it for far too little , chortle in his 4X4 and put it on a shelf. Id reveal how little i get but i am genuinely embraced by its stupidly small amount, the hourly rate is probably in pennies.....

I phoned Mutual Friend, The house is up for sale she says. Her friend is putting together a proposal for its retention. Which is depressing, The Bastards will be deeply offended (rightly, as they are unscrupulous cunts without good points) but it wont work. I can only hope that in years to come the Lad will mount an action against them and it will serve to prove they haven't explored all avenues. If Karma really existed They would be dieing in agony right now.

Yesterday i actually saw the Lad, i opened our front door, and there he was. His news school was doing some sort of harvest festival and hundreds of kids were on the march carrying tins of beans etc. he looks big, filling out just like his mum. Also fat from crap food he no doubt gets.

Phoned Five mum, shes pissed off with her mum who told her how much of a disappointment she was to her. I told her to tell mum to fuck off. Anyone with five kids who have survived so far without serious injury was admirable.

Oh and MrHandy is showing more signs of madness, hes started emailing. Not especialy a sign in "normal" people but defiantely one in him.

Thinking on it maybe he's Bi-polar.... with a 20 year flip flop?

Thursday, September 28, 2006


I have of late been concerned by the mental state of Mr Handy. He’s been far too jolly. Either he’s been depressed for the last 20 years or so or he has really "done gone mental" this time. Today I got more evidence of his mental stability, three sure signs of tonto-ness have emerged. He's happy (always a state that suggests that the person isn't in full grasp of the facts), he's been to a doctor! (More of which latter) and he’s written a poem (is the no end to his madness?). Senility? Maybe, and due to his knowledge of all things still worth talking to I find his jolliness and assurances that the "World is fine" to be worrying in the extreme. Its as if a Buddhist Monk got up and started breakdanceing in the city centre. Now I got him to email his poem, I haven’t looked at it, as I hate poetry, but the time has come to see it and as it might provide and insight into his illness, criticise it mercilessly. So cut and paste....

Your face, it launched my million tears, and every day does still.
For your beauty is beyond my endurance, gasp is what I do.
Your lips, your mouth, your tongue, fonts of nectarred lust.
Gods would renounce their heavenly thrones.
From you can come what not from those above. Pretty bad so far

Your breasts, soft mounds of elegance form, so delightfully to inspire.
Your nipple budded circles of textured lust, crowns of my desire. Ah up Duuuurty

Your curves of body, I long to stroke, and touch for love and thrill.
Belly, thrills to hand, fingers loving navel touches, fun and kisses.
Your back, those many lovely hills and valleys, loves strolling ground.
To touch again, again to feel and love, more loving thrills are found.
Your arms, pleasures quiet and still, for touch with softest kiss.

Your vagina, it’s pearl so cutely hidden, your softest lips of love.
The sweetest kiss of my desire, no greater ecstasy ever bidden. God its like listening to your parents "doing it" Though I must say the wife is a pretty "fit bird"

Your derriere, mounds for loving slaps, I long to gently give.
Of course, such precious flesh, only for loving’s most tenderness.
Your lovely legs, sculpted forms so smoothly firm yet soft and warm.
To feel upon my face for thrill, and where ever you might will.
They perch upon your kiss demanding feet, elegance all to toes. Filthy bugger!

Anyway thats poetry for you. Anyway the other file is the ten commandments rewritten and expanded a bit, I wonder if that’s meaningful, 13 at the last supper and thirteen in a coven)..... So here they are.

1. Morality is an attribute of the person. It is not a cultural invention admitting of vor is it an extrinsic imposition. Ok I think I can see where this is going

2. People are sentient self governing entities with desires, ambitions, likes and dislikes. All are born equal. Status is determined only by their acts in life. People act according to the precepts of morality. They are themselves responsible for what they do. Interference with a person’s morally appropriate freedom of action is wrongful. People are not property or chattels. Fair enough

3. People limit their actions to only those which do no harm of any kind to others. However they may when it is morally appropriate interfere with or restrict the freedom of others or harm them in protecting self and others to whom they have a particular or general duty of care. Alister Crowley anyone?

4. Except in the case of chance discovery of peril or harm to another or in response to reasonable request people are not required to offer or render assistance or advice to others. However they may choose to do so, with appropriate restraint, for general benefit to all or to relieve the suffering or distress of particular others. Hummm maybe

5. Where duties to others might appear to conflict a person is required to strike a morally founded balance rejecting all influence from interested parties and rejecting own prejudice bigotry and dogma. A person is not necessarily required to please all or any particular party. If a party or group unreasonably consider that he she or they require preference their interests may be removed from or receive reduced consideration. OK Ben Franklin the second

6. It is wrongful to claim assert or ascribe moral motives to the promotion of support of or involvement in social or religious or political groups. Or to claim assert or ascribe inherent morality in respect of the ideas or beliefs or rules upon which such groups are founded or do seek to promote or impose or to their actions. Such entities are to be judged by their overt and covert effects actions and aims. It is wrongful to seek shelter from responsibility for or to claim rightness of one’s ideas or beliefs or rules or actions under a presumption of the moral rectitude of such groups. Ah now that’s more Machiavellian

7. It is wrongful to claim assert or ascribe moral motives to one’s ideas or beliefs or rules or actions under an assumption of the rightness of society’s approval or practices. One’s ideas or beliefs or rules or actions must stand upon their own moral merit. Maciavelli that seems like the last one

8. It is wrongful to deprive a person of that which is rightfully owned howsoever the deprivation might be brought about. Fair enough

9. It is wrongful to interfere with a person’s right to profit from or enjoy that which is owned howsoever the interference might be applied. yep

10. It is wrongful to deprive a person of opportunity rightfully open to him or her howsoever the deprivation might be brought about. thats society up the creek then, as thats seems to be how it all works

11. It is wrongful to fail to honour freely made agreements. Thats not going to catch on at all, insurance men wouldn’t stand for it

12. It is wrongful to induce a person to make an agreement by deceit See above, unworkable due to incredible beastliness of humans

13. It is wrongful to fail to reveal that circumstances or misunderstanding later discovered render an existing agreement impossible to honour. Errrr ok...

So there you have it pretty conclusive proof of madness, either of the above would be good enough for me but Mr Handy being of the inquiring sort requires other means of verifying things so what would you do? Well Mr handy a noted Doctor phobic makes and appointment at the doctors and you can imagine the conversation...

"How can I help you sir?"
"I’m concerned I may be mad, can you check that out please......"
"Ooooooooooooooooooooooooook...." thinking dam ive got one of them, and im due on the golf course in half an hour.....

Anyway the Doctor seems amenable, things are being arranged. Probably just to get such a loony out of the office. People ive know go mad have usually been dragged off by two burly cops shouting and screaming. I think there’s little chance of him being "Sectioned" (detained involuntarily), as one has to be a danger to others of yourself to get that nowadays.

The above might be a bit jumbled and confused in place and contain random underlines, I tried to spell check it with google spell checker and it flipped out, changing things to bold and rearranging words! So the spellings crap and the words all over the place, I cant fix it so live with it. Such is the way of computers!

Oh and i got chatting to a neigbour and the fight the other night was she thought between three girls and involved some sort of preganacy advice mixed with racisum a phrase mentioned was "Wot you mean its black , your not fucking pregnant , if you are what are you doing in here...."something about black babys! charming ah obviosly the town Mensa meeting

Wednesday, September 27, 2006


Baglady phoned about her accounts that the wife is doing for her. She told me Booklady died two weeks ago, her cancer came back a month ago and she died, i remember her gasping for breath outside before she visited our dieing friend.

She also had heard about Mad Sharon, her brother, who always appeared dangerously mental to me, (Born again, he stalked Godbotherer for a time, and went on to be a primary school teacher, which was terrible for any kids he got near I'm sure) had gone out with her for a while. God that must have been an awful combination. Anyway she had talked to Sharon's dad, he told her she had been shot in the head. Which is suppose is one up from MrMps opinion that she would have been raped to death.

Sunday, September 24, 2006


I'm informed that last night about 12 there was a HUGE fight in the pub down the road. I mean HUGE, starting in the garden tables and chairs were thrown, it went through the pub and out onto the street.......the cops turned up and hour latter (well would want to turn up too soon would they) Three cars, and started throwing people into a cop van and carting them away... I slept through it all!... probably because the night before someone had woken me up at three....hammering on the pub door to be let into the lock in that was occurring.... all good food for the residents application to "review his licence" The Landlord is my Wanker of the week.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


Mad Sharon. She lived down the road from Our Friend, in a dire cardboard and plastic flat. I first came aware of her when walking past her home, i saw a movement out of the corner of my eye, she was picking up a parcel off her front door step. Her hair a mop of white braided locks her body totally naked. This prompted me to ask Our Friend who the hell lived down the street, she replied Mad Sharon.
She had kids, two i think but Mr Mp said one, they were eventuly taken into care. She would leave them locked in the house, and they were under ten years old, while she went out got drunk or blasted on dance drugs, to tumble home sometimes days latter. My friend sometimes rescued them, when she knew they had been left, a couple of times one of the kids came to her door and asked her to come to their house as "mummy was ill" or "mummy is asleep and we're hungry". It broke our hearts. Eventual someone, possibly Our friend told the authorities and they were taken from her, eventually she stopped even visiting them in the foster home and they were adopted i think. She raged about having her kids taken away, raged and cried, but she damaged them poor kids, casually and cruelly.

Id inadvertently met her ex boyfriend before, Kat one of them gangly slightly uncoordinated guys who dresses in dark colours and perpetually seems to be "going to get a pint of milk". He seemed a nice chap, chatty and friendly. I found out that he had though, punched Sharon at the top of the stairs one day and she had fallen all the way down. I was shocked by this news, disappointed in him. But then i didn't know Sharon then. I strongly suspect he had been pushed further than could be endured, i think he should have just left, but he didn't he lashed out. Apparently the argument was about her treatment of the kids.

When out friend was heavily pregnant with the Lad, Sharon visited, straight from hospital. She had prematurely discharged herself and was manic raving about he kids and the world being against her. The whole time dripping blood form the abortion she had had earlier that day. I saw the blood drips along the pavement the next day.
The news story says she and her boy friend stole a boat, a yacht. And were found shot to death off the coast of Cameroon, which is well known for its violent pirates. But i wouldn't surprise me to find they had killed each other.

Stealing a yacht isn't a bad move if you have the knowledge to sail. the yacht's just stay there for months often used for a week every year. A sailing boat can easily cross the oceans and is very hard to find. This is the second person we knew that has stolen a yacht and died. the other was Stringfellow, a nice chap who lived on a crumbling old sea plane tender at the other end of the boat yard when we lived on out tiny yacht. He was a typical "temporary millionaire" and wide boy. he had girl friends everywhere, thinning dyed blond hair and always a scheme to get rich. He was very sweet to the wife when i had to go home to see my dieing mum, entertaining her and chatting, must have been a lonely time then for her. Anyway he was a builder, not the sort that gets his hands dirty but a planner and scammer. But as always he spent all his money and one day he just went. We didn't know where, but apparently he went to the marina and took a yacht (he had once been a fisherman and sailed sometimes on mates drunken voyages) but he was found in Portugal on the boat dead, food poisoning they said, his last log entry was "bad mussels last night".....

Friday, September 22, 2006


This afternoon i had a phone call from Mp hubby. Did i know Sharon was dead. I ran through some Sharons i know and coudlnt coem up with one that might have died from natural cases. Evently hearignmy confusion he use her universal name Mad Sharon.

Sunday, September 17, 2006


Well I'm certainly learning things tonight. From the pub garden down the road, apparently there is "only one Arsen Venger" and "Ricky" should put his trousers back on and his shirt!. And now up and down the main street "Ricky come back" from the over celebrated girl friend who actually looks very fit to be with the obvious dip shit Ricky. Shes out side now in a white micro skirt shouting "Ricky.....Ricky"...... we have phoned the cops as they woke up Harry, but as police station are now largely just places to report things for insurance purposes i doubt and coppers will turn up.... But its all great stuff for the "Review of the pubs licence" the residents are about to mount.

Sunday, September 10, 2006


We went out to a vintage show today and met up with Dotty. She gave me a defunct electric scooter. Dotty told us that her letter to "them" had come back with return to sender on it, though she was told that by her friend who takes her post as she lives in various locations in her caravan. She said the lady who took it in had disposed of it in some way in order to not let Dotty get upset. Probably a good thing, as "they" are deranged enough to cause upset but cant reach Dotty other than by post. And as we have found out, ignoring legal things is an effective strategy, if you don't play they cant do much. She said she had taken my advice and dropped the supposedly valuable display boards over the gate to Our Friends house, and notice3d a week latter they had disappeared. One hopes "they" had to come and get them, though i bet Book lady did it.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006


Some slight developments, the Evil Pair have apparently put the house up for sale. the lad is very very upset about this, personally i hope he hates them for the rest of their mean spirited lives for it. Acording to Mutual friend who got it through Lieing Grandad our friends father is very frail and hase moved close to them fo rhis health, poor bugger, what a family.

Mutual friend went out with wife today for a swim. The lad is being moved to a different school. the school nearer where they live, i wondered how long the drunken father would take to get bored taking him to school two miles away. Apparently the father has been at home all summer, which came as a revelation to Mutual friend who has been looking after the lad a lot this summer, presuming the father and his new Mrs were working. According to the court order Mutual friend is supposed to be consulted on any life change to the lad (and i think lists changes to education) as she wasn't. As with all these court things if you ignore them nothing at all happens, its all crap.... Anyway mutual friend went around for a word with drunken father and new wife, i cringed to hear that, mutual friend has this idea of fairness, while laudable doesnt always match up to reality. Anyway the new wife and drunken father hadn't actually read the court order, odd as their solicitor must have pegged him and her as a right paid of potatoes surely!... They seemed OK with it, which surprised me.